Give flight to your imagination

The discipline and commitment needed to learn an instrument teaches children invaluable lessons in life.

Open pathways to creative thinking, and allow your kids to explore creative depths through the world of music


Published: Mon 31 Oct 2016, 10:04 AM

Last updated: Mon 31 Oct 2016, 12:17 PM

Music has therapeutic effect, and is known for a multitude of benefits. Recent studies have even established links between success and music showing evidence that successful people are also often trained musicians. The discipline and steadfast commitment required to learn an instrument teaches children invaluable lessons that go a long way in helping them lead better, successful and fulfilled lives.
However, it is easier said than done. It's not easy to perfect notes and octaves early in the learning process. Awkward leaps, rapid-fire passages, for instance, often pose as the biggest bumps on the road to learning an instrument that learners are bound to encounter; and in many cases, students often call it quits before mastering any instrument.
Rajaram Ganesan, a resident of Abu Dhabi, is one such case. "I was learning to play the electronic keyboard, but because of my poor skills at sight-reading, bad marks in the music exams and a lack of enthusiasm, I was turning into a frustrated musician. All that changed though, when Ms. Rose entered the scene," he says with a smile.
Rose Abegail M. Ortiguero is the Founder and Managing Director of Cadenza Music Institute in Abu Dhabi. A skilled musician, she is also an expert teacher, tutoring children of various ages at the institute, and is extremely passionate about her work. "At Cadenza, our mission is not only to standardise learning but to personalise it, to educate the heart, to discover and enhance the individual talents and potentials of students," she explains, "and we seek to provide an environment where they can naturally discover their true passion."

In the case of Rajaram, she not only revived his interest in music, but also helped him progress through music examinations offered by Trinity College London. "I progressed from a merit student to a distinction student. I was given so many opportunities to play music. I am now a confident player and I love the music that I play," he says. Rajaram recently passed his final exam in practical music (Grade 8) with distinction.
Cadenza Music Institute has been successfully mentoring various students at its venue in Abu Dhabi. Children from three years onwards can attend the institute and choose to learn from the host of options available. The institute has a carefully chosen group of equally passionate teachers, who guide students through every stage of their learning.
Enrol your child today and see him or her turn into a virtuoso not only in music, but more importantly, in life.

What do we teach?
.    Vocals/ singing
.    Piano
.    Electronic keyboards
.    Keyboard
.    Arts
.    Little Mozart (3 years onwards)
.    Cello
.    Violin
.    Acoustic Guitar
.    Classic Guitar
.    Ukelele
.    Wind instruments

For more information, call 02-6722777, 056-7711445 or e-mail

The discipline and commitment needed to learn an instrument teaches children invaluable lessons in life.

Published: Mon 31 Oct 2016, 10:04 AM

Last updated: Mon 31 Oct 2016, 12:17 PM

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