Online training courses are few and far between

The growth of professional online training could be attributed primarily to its lower cost and greater flexibility.

dubai - Popularity of traditional classroom-only learning is fading


By Staff Report

Published: Tue 19 Jul 2016, 7:13 PM

Last updated: Tue 19 Jul 2016, 9:16 PM

Professional training courses delivered online are rapidly increasing in popularity across the Middle East, but the supply of courses is failing to keep up with rising demand, according to research by online recruitment firm GulfTalent.

The findings are based on a survey of 1,600 professionals based in nine countries across the Middle East, as well as interviews with several of the region's training providers. Based on GulfTalent's study, one in five professionals looking to take up training is seeking an online course.

A further 62 per cent of training seekers prefer classroom-based courses supplemented with an online component. Only 18 per cent now seek the traditional classroom-only format. The growth of professional online training could be attributed primarily to its lower cost and greater flexibility.
Professionals surveyed by GulfTalent reported having to budget on average $1,000 for a classroom-based training course, compared with just $500 for an online course.

While the demand for online courses is rising rapidly, the supply of courses is not keeping up. According to the survey, 14 per cent of those seeking courses with an online element are unable to find a suitable course for their needs, compared with only six per cent of those seeking classroom-based courses.

The supply gap is even greater for those seeking online courses delivered in Arabic, with 23 per cent of professionals seeking such courses unable to find suitable options in the market.

Traditional classroom-based training providers in the region are being hurt by the popularity of online courses. One of them told GulfTalent researchers that "online courses have had a big impact on our business because they are so much cheaper. We are planning to offer our own online courses soon."

In the meantime, with local supply still inadequate, the region's professionals are resorting to international providers of online training in order to fulfil their learning and development needs. International online training firms are rapidly penetrating the Middle East, in part by advertising their courses on top career sites to reach the region's professionals.

The plunge in the oil price and slowdown in regional economic activity seems to have had a mixed impact on the regional training market. Several training providers reported a steep drop in demand for training from corporates, as companies look for opportunities to save costs. However, the drive for cost efficiency seems to be pushing many corporates towards greater utilisation of online training, further boosting demand in this area.

In contrast to corporate demand, demand from individuals paying for their own training is steady or even rising, as more professionals seek training and certifications to improve their career prospects in an uncertain and increasingly competitive job market. According to the survey findings, motivations for taking up training include general skill improvement, which was the biggest factor for 52 per cent of professionals, followed by securing a promotion, getting a new job or making a career change.


Staff Report

Published: Tue 19 Jul 2016, 7:13 PM

Last updated: Tue 19 Jul 2016, 9:16 PM

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