Studentspeak: Are school bags too heavy?

UAE students give their opinion on the subject.


Published: Wed 10 Dec 2014, 12:58 AM

Last updated: Fri 3 Apr 2015, 9:48 PM

Abida Rahman

Progressive English School

An average school day comprises eight periods for different subjects. Each subject requires us to carry a textbook and several notebooks. Added to the several kilogrammes of books are other essentials. Eventually we end up carrying a huge burden on our backs, and it is no wonder that many students end up having body ache!

Anaqha Pravin

Elite English School

I am a grade 4 student and I have some heavy books that I need for school. I always have to bring them home to do my homework and then take them back to school for class work. My bag sometimes is sometimes so heavy that I come back home with a sore and stiff shoulder. Schools must reduce the amount of books and should set up lockers for them.

Fathima Asharafudeen

Sharjah Indian School

It is difficult to carry school bags nowadays. Our seniors would carry lighter bags compared to ours. Students are mostly seen carrying bags comparatively bigger than their own size. It is even difficult to walk with such a load. I feel the load can be reduced by avoiding the necessity of bringing certain textbooks or by providing students with lockers so that the excess weight can be avoided. Non-essential items like large textbooks, drafters, stationery etc can be kept in these lockers rather than carrying them to school and then back home.

Ahsam Ahmad

The Indian High School

Out of the many problems a student faces during his academic life, one is the weight of school bags. Little kids have to carry school bags heavier than the weight they are capable of carrying. As schools are taking steps to minimise the portion, they should also consider using technology. An iPad, or any other Android tablet is capable of being an alternative to the heavy school bags while making learning a fun activity.

Rajeshwari Muthukrishnan

Gems Modern Academy, Dubai

There is no denying that school bags are extremely heavy. Some schools provide students with tablets, which have all the school textbooks downloaded in them. They also have lockers for students, which can help keep textbooks which they would be using the next day. I would suggest all schools to provide tablets and lockers for students to avoid making school bags heavy.

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Published: Wed 10 Dec 2014, 12:58 AM

Last updated: Fri 3 Apr 2015, 9:48 PM

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