Studentspeak: Do exams limit creativity?

Students from various schools in the UAE share their opinion as the exams are closer.


Published: Wed 4 Mar 2015, 1:26 AM

Last updated: Thu 25 Jun 2015, 7:51 PM

Shwetha Iyer, The Millennium School, Dubai

Yes, I do think exams limit creativity. Everybody’s main focus will be on getting good marks only. Being creative happens only when you are relaxed and ready to be inventive. But studying for exams doesn’t allow any creativity as you have to study only what is given. Also, exams restrict any creative answers and that adds to the limitation of creativity during exams.

Gunjan Uppal, Delhi Private School, Sharjah

I believe that exams have a very narrow view of intelligence and creativity. Every child has a creative mind, and the creativity is to be shown. We students get so busy during exams that we have no time left to do anything extra. Creativity is everyone’s hidden talent, which at times stays hidden throughout their life. Every student has different talents, abilities, passions and interests. I think we all should spare time and do a little extra each day.

Raunak Kapur, Delhi Private School, Sharjah

The atmosphere during exams is totally different. You can see students brushing through the syllabus. After all the last minute scribbling on the answer sheet, the question is, did he actually learn something? The aim was to get 100 per cent in the exam and not to sharpen knowledge in the subject. That’s where his creativity gets confined to the textbooks and notebooks.

Anam Fatema, The Indian High School, Dubai

Exams are not an obstacle when it comes to creativity, though many people think that during exams students are more focused on studies and don’t have time for being creative. I feel that studying for exams can also be creative and fun when we do it the right way. For example, while learning for exams, you can start making colourful mind maps and flowcharts or even use doodle techniques.

Aaryan Prem, Our Own English High School, Sharjah

For us students, creativity is an art. Creativity is a life of interests included in it. But exams have limits. All will learn and prepare is for the final examination. In between this, we can’t express our creativity. For everyone exams are the most important. Also, I think, to be creative one needs to be in a peaceful mood.

Prisha Agarwal, Springdales School Dubai

Exams end up being memory tests you can’t afford to fail. Exams are the most stressful part of education. If you fail an exam or even a test, the content isn’t retaught, meaning you never really learn from your mistakes. The pressure just gets to us, and I know I’ve skipped a few questions on tests because I got too nervous. Anyways, it can get very confusing, and it puts a lot of pressure on us.

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Published: Wed 4 Mar 2015, 1:26 AM

Last updated: Thu 25 Jun 2015, 7:51 PM

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