Studentspeak: Parent-teacher meetings- helpful or not

Students from various UAE schools present their opinion on the subject.


Published: Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:02 PM

Last updated: Thu 25 Jun 2015, 7:51 PM

Saakshi Joshi

Delhi Private School, Sharjah

The day every child dreads and every parent looks forward to. Parent-teacher meetings are important as they are an interface. Parents get to know different aspects of their child’s behaviour and also what happens in the classroom. Students can get tips on how to improve their work in various spheres and also how to score well in exams. Overall, I believe that parent teacher meetings are more helpful than not.

Aaryan Prem

Our Own English High School, Sharjah

Parent-teacher meetings are very helpful. It gives an idea to parents about the techniques used in teaching. Parents explain their ward’s behaviour and attitude to the teacher so that teachers can concentrate on them more. It is also possible that these meetings will make student more comfortable with teachers and parents. These should be conducted every month to improve the student’s attitude towards teachers.

Chahit Uppal

Delhi Private School, Sharjah

Parents’ involvement is the most important factor in a student’s success at school. Parent-teacher meeting is a time for parents and teachers to discuss a student in a constructive manner. A child’s overall personality, values and ethics should be the main topic to be discussed, not only the grades. It can be made more productive when faults are not discussed, but the ways in which we can improve is given importance.

Anam Fatema

The Indian High School , Dubai

Parent-teacher meetings are a 100 per cent effective and ideal way for parents to communicate with teachers so that they can make sure the child can reach his maximum potential in curricular and non-curricular activities. Parents and teachers go hand in hand to for the all round development of the student. Students become morally and socially responsible citizens of the future.

Ayisha Idris

Progressive English School, Sharjah

Parent-teacher meetings are helpful as teachers get to take about children to their parents face-to-face. Parents come to know about their child’s performance in school and at teachers get an idea about the student’s schedule at home. It’s beneficial for the students, as well. And if in case students are weak in studies, parents can guide them.

Fathima Asharafudeen

Sharjah Indian School

Parent-teacher interactions are useful. It is beneficial to both parents and students. These meetings help parents know how their kids perform in class and what are their weak points are so as to help them improve in their academics or extracurricular. We students also find it beneficial as we can get some personal guidelines from teachers, as well.

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Published: Tue 10 Mar 2015, 10:02 PM

Last updated: Thu 25 Jun 2015, 7:51 PM

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