When parents write an exam for a good reason

Knowledge and Human Development Authority’s role reversal aimed at raising awareness on exams and funds for autism centre.


By Staff Reporter

Published: Tue 24 Feb 2015, 11:59 PM

Last updated: Thu 25 Jun 2015, 7:50 PM

Understanding tests to help children prepare better ... KHDA officials take the test while students invigilate.

Parents turned up at exam centres on Monday with a new education initiative hoping to raise funds for the Dubai Autism Centre. In a role reversal, parents were encouraged to participate in sample exams, which are usually taken by students.

The initiative run by schools and students in Dubai gives parents an opportunity to revisit their school days by taking a sample version of the international assessment examinations currently being taken by students.

Fatma Al Marri, CEO of Dubai Schools Agency at the Knowledge and Human Development Authority said: “Research has shown that active parental involvement in children’s education is crucial to academic success. When parents take part in Test4Good, they will have a good understanding of the tests, and will be better able to help their children prepare. We wanted to raise awareness about international assessments in an innovative way, encouraging both parents and students to understand the process. As a result, we hope to see improvements to academic results, helping us to meet the targets outlined in the National Agenda.”

Invigilated and marked by students, the tests run from February 23 to April 15, followed by an awards ceremony in May.

Announced on Monday by the Director General of KHDA, Dr Abdulla Al Karam, Sara Baker from Dubai Autism Centre and principals from Dubai’s schools, the new movement is expected to reach more than 100,000 people.

 “It’s the first time all the schools have come together in this way, encouraging further positive collaboration within the education community,” said Fatma.

After making a donation, parents will be invited to take the test, giving them an understanding of what it feels like to take an exam.

Waiting list of over 200

At present the Dubai Autism Centre caters to 53 students, but has a waiting list of more than 200. Due to these requirements, all the funds raised will go towards the completion of the DAC’s new building, enabling the centre to enrol more students.

The exercise is designed to inject fun back into learning, as students put their parents’ knowledge to the test. Results from the 30-minute examinations will not be publicly shared, though parents can compete against each other if they wish.

In the long term, educators hope that the increased focus and understanding of international assessments will lead to an improvement in the overall student results.

As outlined in the National Agenda, the target for 2021 is for the UAE to be in the top 15 highest performing countries in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the top 20 highest performing countries in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

Members of the public can also take the test to raise funds for the charity, with details on the latest exams available at www.whatworks.ae/test4good. -muaz@khaleejtimes.com

Staff Reporter

Published: Tue 24 Feb 2015, 11:59 PM

Last updated: Thu 25 Jun 2015, 7:50 PM

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