The actor had filed a lawsuit against the rollout of 5G tech, claiming that it exposes people and animals to radio frequency radiation.
PTI file
The Delhi high court on Tuesday proposed to reduce the fine imposed on Bollywood actor Juhi Chawla and two others from Rs2 million to Rs200,000, on condition that she would do some work for a public cause. The court came out with the ruling while dismissing her plea against 5G rollout.
The actor and activist had last year filed a lawsuit against the rollout of 5G technology, claiming that it exposes people and animals to radio frequency radiation 10 to 100 times more than now.
“We will not waive the cost completely but we can reduce it substantially from Rs2 million to Rs200,000,” said the court. “But that comes with a condition. Considering your client is a celebrity and has presence in public, she should do some public work also. Her image and position may be utilised by society for some public work, some good campaign and good purpose also.”
Juhi’s advocate Salman Khurshid consented to the suggestion of the court.