Meet the person behind UAE's first residential orchestra

Renowned conductor Nicolas Mann is on a mission to elevate the classical music experience in the region


Husain Rizvi

Published: Thu 19 Sep 2024, 6:11 PM

The UAE is set to make history with the debut of its first residential orchestra, the UAE Philharmonic Orchestra, under the direction of renowned conductor Nicolas Mann. This groundbreaking ensemble will take centre stage at the Theatre of Digital Art (ToDA), located in Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai, promising a captivating series of performances that will redefine the classical music scene in the region.

The orchestra is led by Nicolas Mann, an internationally acclaimed conductor and violinist, who was born in Spain and started to learn the violin at the age of 3. Its debut concert season will begin on September 21, with Baroque & Beyond. This immersive event will highlight iconic Baroque masterpieces by composers such as Vivaldi and Purcell. Future performances will explore different musical periods, with concerts like Classical & Beyond, Romantic & Beyond, and Impressionism & Beyond scheduled throughout the year.

When we sat down to chat with Nicolas Mann, we asked how the idea behind forming the UAE Philharmonic Orchestra came to fruition. "The inspiration came from the desire to build something lasting and meaningful within the UAE’s artistic landscape," he answered. "While the UAE is a melting pot of diverse cultures, it lacked a permanent orchestral institution to reflect this diversity through music. We set out to create a world-class orchestra rooted in the UAE, while speaking the universal language of classical music."


With the support of ToDA, its cutting-edge visuals, and the dedication of talented musicians, Mann has set out to elevate the classical music experience in the country.

We further discuss the orchestra, its challenges and how it aims to shape the country's classical music scene. Excerpts from the interview:

The UAE Philharmonic Orchestra is the nation’s first-ever homegrown residential orchestra. How does it feel to lead this monumental project, and what does this mean for the UAE’s cultural landscape?

Leading this orchestra is an honour. It feels like we're laying the foundation for a new chapter in the UAE’s cultural history. The UAE Philharmonic is not just a platform for showcasing classical music but also a symbol of the nation’s deepening commitment to the arts. This orchestra represents the UAE’s vision of offering both residents and visitors world-class performances, and it’s a significant step towards positioning the UAE as a global cultural hub.

What role do you think the orchestra plays in shaping the country’s classical music scene?

The UAE Philharmonic will play a transformative role. Our aim is to make classical music more accessible to all (because music is for everyone!). We will act as a bridge between East and West, blending traditional Western classical pieces with music from the MENA region. By partnering with ToDA, local artists, organising educational programs, and performing across the Emirates, we hope to build a united classical music community and inspire future generations of musicians.

The ensemble's diverse roster of musicians from around the world will bring new vibrancy to the UAE's classical music scene

You have a roster of talented musicians from around the world. What would you say is the orchestra's greatest strength?

Diversity is one of our greatest strengths. While our musicians come from different traditions, we all unite through the music itself—our shared language. Every piece we perform is an opportunity to blend diverse interpretations, which enriches the sound. Regular rehearsals, open communication, and mutual respect create a cohesive and dynamic ensemble.

Classical music has a long history, but the UAE is relatively new to this art form. What challenges do you foresee in introducing and popularising classical music in a region not known for it?

One challenge is the perception that classical music is only for a select audience. However, we see this as an opportunity rather than a barrier. By presenting classical music in innovative ways—incorporating storytelling, visual arts, and digital elements—we can appeal to a broader audience. With ToDA’s immersive visuals, we can make the experience more relatable and relevant to contemporary life in the UAE, helping to attract a wider and more diverse audience.

How do you see the UAE Philharmonic Orchestra contributing to the global recognition of the UAE as a centre for arts and culture?

The UAE Philharmonic has the potential to elevate the UAE’s reputation on the global cultural stage. We can attract world-class musicians and conductors, bringing international attention to the UAE. By performing abroad and collaborating with renowned institutions, we will showcase the UAE’s commitment to the arts. Our unique blend of Western and Eastern music will contribute to the global cultural dialogue, positioning the UAE as a forward-thinking hub for arts and innovation.

As an award-winning conductor and celebrated violinist with extensive international experience, how has your background influenced your vision for the UAE Philharmonic Orchestra?

My background has given me a deep understanding of the power of music to connect people across cultures and generations. Having performed with orchestras worldwide, I’ve witnessed how a dedicated orchestra can become the heart of a community. This experience fuels my vision for the UAE Philharmonic. I want to build an orchestra that not only performs at the highest level but also engages with its audience and fosters a sense of belonging. My international experience brings fresh perspectives to the repertoire we perform and how we present it.

Nicolas Mann was born in Spain and started to learn the violin at the age of 3

You’ve performed in iconic venues across Europe, such as the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris. How do those experiences compare to leading this orchestra in the UAE, and what unique elements do you bring to your role here?

Performing in legendary venues is always special, but building an orchestra from the ground up in the UAE offers a unique kind of reward. Here, we’re pioneering something new and shaping the cultural landscape. I bring a mix of tradition and innovation—honouring classical music’s legacy while embracing the UAE’s spirit of progress and diversity. ToDA provides a perfect home for this vision. Having performed in some of the world’s greatest concert halls, I can confidently say ToDA offers a unique, immersive experience, with its stunning digital visuals adding a whole new level to the music.

Humour and storytelling have been mentioned as key elements in your performances. How do you incorporate these into your concerts to engage a modern audience?

Music should be a living, breathing experience. By weaving humour and storytelling into performances, I aim to break down barriers between the audience and the orchestra. A funny story about a composer or a lighthearted interpretation of a piece’s history can make the music feel more personal and approachable. This approach helps create a deeper connection with the audience. Combined with the beauty of the music and ToDA’s immersive visuals, our concerts are designed to be not just musically rewarding but memorable experiences that resonate on a collective level.


Husain Rizvi

Published: Thu 19 Sep 2024, 6:11 PM

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