How organisations can invest in the next generation

Dubai - The corporate world is more than equipped to aid the development of the future workforce


By Injeel Moti, Managing Director, Catch Academy & Catch Communications

Published: Wed 28 Oct 2020, 9:11 PM

In a professional environment, it’s hard to think of an aspect more important than growth and development. For a variety of reasons, however, this particular activity is often ignored and postponed, or comes as an afterthought. This is especially important when we consider the future workforce.

What can organisations today do to aid the development of the next generation of society as they enter the corporate world?


One way they can help fuel the professional mindsets of the next generation is to work closely together with educational institutions and organise events where experts engage with students about what they can expect from ‘the real world’. Academic knowledge is critical, of course, but in the corporate world, it can only take one so far. Young people will soon find that they also need life skills: the ability to deal with a diversity of people, to adapt to the work environment at large, to exhibit emotional intelligence and much more.

Organisations can also participate in student-focused networking events. Increased interaction with individuals from industries is essential for young people. Regardless of where they end up in the course of their career, having exposure to a wide network of industries will equip them to learn quicker.

Whether your organisation is large or small, consider incorporating mentorship programmes. Allot a couple of hours each week to work with students and bring them up to speed on skills they are required to develop in order to succeed in their chosen career paths.

Earlier, training and development came with a hefty cost. However, thanks to technology, that is no longer the case. There are a multitude of online courses, certifications and trainings the younger generation can enrol into to upskill. What companies with young employees can do is offer encouragement, time and space to pursue such avenues.

Lastly, free your employees to teach others what they know, and watch their confidence levels soar. Being encouraged to invest in the culture of giving back will only reap positive dividends. Equip them to feel like leaders and they will most definitely lead the organisation in the right direction for a better, brighter tomorrow.

Injeel Moti, Managing Director, Catch Academy & Catch Communications

Published: Wed 28 Oct 2020, 9:11 PM

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