In the past, the only way for them visit their homeland was to fly to Jordan and take a shuttle bus into Syria
mena43 minutes ago
The happiness report card is out. And UAE has come out with flying colours. As per the "World Happiness Report, the UAE tops the list of the Arab world when it comes to being a happy country. The UAE is the 28th happiest country in the world, said UAE Minister of State for Happiness Ohood bint Khalfan Al Roumi quoting the report.
She pointed this out in the context of the National Happiness Programme which was endorsed by His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-president and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, that covers UAE citizens, expatriates, as well as the visitors to UAE.
In comment to the report, Al Roumi said it has been communicated with the international institution specialised in conducting the surveys on which the World Happiness Report is based, to develop it in a way that reflects the comprehensiveness of the results and has more detailed indications. She said such analysis can help governments in taking important decisions and making polices accordingly.
" We will work, within the upcoming period, with the UN's Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Gallup Institute and Earth Institute of University of Columbia to improve the report and set off supportive and muchw comprehensive international reports," she said.
In the past, the only way for them visit their homeland was to fly to Jordan and take a shuttle bus into Syria
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