Heavy rain, hailstorm lash Dubai, N. Emirates

DUBAI/SHARJAH - Dubai and Sharjah, along with other Northern Emirates, were lashed by heavy rain and storms, flooding roads, throwing traffic into chaos in many areas and disrupting all outdoor activities in the twin-city.


By Zaigham Ali Mirza

Published: Tue 16 Nov 2004, 10:35 AM

Last updated: Tue 20 Jun 2023, 2:44 PM

For Dubai and Sharjah, the heavy showers were the first this season. Residents caught in the rain reported that their vehicles were pounded in hailstorms, as the rain’s impact began shifting from area to area.

Motorists in Deira's commercial area near the wharfage were taken by surprise when stuck in a traffic jam. Their vehicles were pounded for quite some time by a fusillade of large-sized hailstones. The short but powerful hailstorm damaged and dented vehicles on the entire stretch of the road and caused minor injuries to pedestrians who were caught unawares.

Reports of showers in Sharjah’s town area came in at around 8pm, following a partly cloudy and breezy weather. Callers from different parts of the emirate confirmed the severity of the showers.

The heavy showers flooded street intersections and brought many vehicles to a halt, due to technical hitches caused by flooding of the roads.


A while later, Dubai was lashed by showers, its main impact being felt in Deira, while other locations experienced relatively lighter rain accompanied by frequent and strong lightning.

The showers disrupted activities in public parks and beaches, forcing people on a stroll to run for cover, or rush back to the safety of their homes. Beachgoers took the rain lightly, many of them taking the opportunity to comb the beaches in merriment.

The storm and rain also uprooted trees and plantations in many parts of Dubai and Sharjah, and caused extensive damage to outdoor fixtures, such as billboards and promotional display units.

While no major road accident was reported, the low visibility on the roads, due to heavy showers, was described as a reason for several minor fender-benders.

Reports from Fujairah said the emirate experienced rain for the second day today. The showers were followed by lightning and storms.

The maximum temperature here yesterday was around 34‚ Celsius and a minimum of 20‚ Celsius was expected overnight. However, the recorded minimum yesterday at 8.30pm was 24‚ Celsius, and was expected to dip further during the night due to the rains.

The weather today is expected to remain unsettled with a fair chance of squally showers. The maximum temperature would be relatively lower than mean for the season.

According to information available from Dubai International Airport’s Weather Office, there is a distinct chance of rain in Dubai and the Northern Emirates today. Strong winds are also likely.

The day is, however, expected to develop fine with a slight dip in the minimum temperature.

Zaigham Ali Mirza

Published: Tue 16 Nov 2004, 10:35 AM

Last updated: Tue 20 Jun 2023, 2:44 PM

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