Ahead of the curve


Suchitra Steven Samuel

Published: Sun 16 Oct 2016, 6:00 PM

Last updated: Sun 16 Oct 2016, 8:50 PM

Aster Medcity offers the best-in-class treatment at the most affordable cost. The cardiac team at Aster consists of highly trained clinicians and surgeons who are equipped to take up challenging cases. With the advanced hybrid cathlab, first in the state; clarity cathlab, which is a low-radiation cathlab; and advanced diagnostics like Philips EPIQ, IVUS, we are ready to offer the best care to anyone who comes to us.
Joint replacement surgery
Joint replacement surgery has progressed leaps and bounds in the last couple of decades and is regarded as the most successful surgery in Orthopaedics. There are millions of people around the world who suffer from crippling joint disorders and pain. This form of treatment has really come as a saviour for such patients. The surgical and technological advancement in this field has made it possible to restore painless movement to the affected joint so that the individual can have a normal life after surgery.

More than 200 varieties of arthritis disorders have been described. Most of them can be cured if diagnosed sufficiently early and treated properly. But unfortunately joint pains still remain as neglected symptoms. Patients find relief when using 'over-the-counter' drugs most often prescribed by unqualified or inexperienced persons. This leads to permanent joint destruction and isolation of the person from social and vocational activities.
Joint replacement surgery has come up as a sure shot remedy for such people to come back to active and productive life. The present day joint replacement surgery is well advanced with better understanding of human anatomy, refined surgical techniques and technological advancement in accuracy of instrumentation and design of implants to ensure complete and painless mobility. Computer aided navigation, patient specific knee replacement and robotic knee replacement etc. has made this flawless surgical procedure a reality.
 There are number of hospitals across the world that have dedicated services in this surgical procedure. With supreme clinical proficiency and advanced technical facilities to perform all sorts of primary and revision joint replacement surgeries, Aster Medcity has come up as one of the best in India for such treatments.

A cut above the rest
Neuroscience is the most sought-after speciality by medical value travellers in India. Aster Medcity offers many advantages: relatively less cost, lesser waiting time, and an entire spectrum of services under one umbrella.
We are very aggressive on this front and are equipped to handle a larger segment of the pie. We provide the entire spectrum of Neurological, Neurosurgical and Interventional Neurological treatments at Aster Medcity. We also have a dedicated Neuropsychological wing to complement the treatment outcomes.
We are housed with several state-of-the-art imaging and diagnostic technologies including 3 Tesla MRI, 256 Slice CT, a Time-of-Flight PET CT and a 16 slice SPECT that aids in diagnosing the disease accurately. From a service point of view, we have preferential time slots in OP, exclusively for international patients with a dedicated translator being with them throughout the entire continuum of care. Aster Medcity is definitely a top of the mind recall destination for someone who travels across boundaries for affordable and comprehensive neuro care.
Kidney, bladder and prostate
Department of Urology at Aster Medcity offers treatment across the entire spectrum of Urologic diseases. We offer robotic surgery for malignancies of kidney, bladder and prostate. We are also one of the few centres that performs Robotic renal recipient transplant operation in the world. We have advanced laser technology in treating kidney stones and prostate problems. We have specialised services for erectile dysfunction, female urology, paediatric urology and infertility.
Women care
Obstetric is highly unpredictable and various twists and turns can happen at any point of time. A pregnancy is considered high risk when there are potential complications that could affect the mother, the baby or both. Obstetric medicine has become an integral part of managing women, often the ones that are categorised into high-risk pregnancies.
At Aster DM Healthcare, the women's health department has experts that deal with medical problems of pregnant women, and thereby reduce maternal morbidity and mortality with improved perinatal outcomes. A multidisciplinary approach to individual cases leads to high quality and safe maternal care with a sound interdisciplinary knowledge of internal medicine, obstetric and perinatal medicine.
Strict adherence to guidelines and protocols derived from evidence-based medicine is the single most important factor that guides our management of pregnancies. We strongly believe that the keynote of progress is teamwork. The only permanent thing is change.
Gynaecological surgery has evolved over decades from open to minimal access surgery. The most recent innovations in minimal access surgery include robot-assisted surgery. The advantages of this robotic technique are smaller incisions, leading to lower morbidity, less post-operative pain, and shorter hospital stays. The Endo Wrist technology allows surgical manoeuvres that are similar to open surgical techniques and gives an edge in highly complicated procedures when extensive dissection and proper anatomy re-establishment is required. I was fortunate to perform the first robotic assisted gynaecological surgery in Kerala. I have performed robotic-assisted gynaecological surgeries like hysterectomy, myomectomy, ovarian cystectomy, tubal recanalisation etc.

Suchitra Steven Samuel

Published: Sun 16 Oct 2016, 6:00 PM

Last updated: Sun 16 Oct 2016, 8:50 PM

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