A healthy addition to Hatta

When Mohammed’s frail, 65-year-old mother started having sudden breathing problems, panic set in. With the entire family living roughly 132km away from Dubai, in Hatta, there was no easy medical help at hand.


Asma Ali Zain

Published: Mon 3 Dec 2012, 9:32 AM

Last updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 1:42 PM

Mohammed explained that a trip to the nearest hospital would have meant heading to Dubai – a journey which would take nearly two hours: “We were all frightened because we didn’t know where to take her...and this was a real emergency,” he said.

It was then someone suggested Hatta Hospital.

“Hatta Hospital has become a distinct reality and a landmark for an area which till recently was described as a remote area, consisting of villages and oasis nestled between the mountains and along the valleys, where communication and access to cities and services were beyond reach,” explains Dr Saif Abdulla Al-Wali Al Badwawi CEO, Hatta Hospital.

“When the foundation of the UAE was laid in 1971, well-being and prosperity of each citizen was the government’s first goal,” he said, explaining the need for a fully equipped hospital in the country’s remote areas. He continued: “The generosity of the government has extended to the near and to the remote, making sure that all Emiratis have a decent and dignified living.”

For Mohammed, the hospital’s unexpected arrival was a blessing: “My mother is hale and hearty now, thanks to the immediate help she got.”

“In the earlier days, medical services were provided at the Health Centres. Today, Hatta Hospital has transformed the quality of medical services immensely,” added Dr Al Badwawi.

The hospital began functioning in 2010 and serves about 40,000 people in Hatta city and surrounding areas including Al Huwaylat, Al Minayei, Masfout, Al Muzaireh, Al Madam, Al Shuwaib and some parts of the Sultanate of Oman. This is a community hospital that combines both primary and secondary care for the patients.

“It was established as a response to the increased demand for people focused on medical services. The first functioning phase of Hatta hospital involved the opening of the Outpatient and Emergency departments. This has been followed by the opening of Inpatients wards, Operating Theatres and the Intensive Care Unit,” he added.

With the holiday season around the corner, the hospital is expected to see a rise in the number of patient visits. In 2010, the average number of patients visiting Hatta Hospital per month was 2,480. In 2011, the number rose to 5,497 and this year the average monthly visits stand at 6,950 patients.

“During weekends, the hospital receives a higher number of patients because residents working in other emirates visit. Hatta is also a popular tourist destination in UAE,” he said.


Asma Ali Zain

Published: Mon 3 Dec 2012, 9:32 AM

Last updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 1:42 PM

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