Late marriages, career reasons for infertility in UAE?

Dubai - Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has found a rise in infertility rates - the latest findings reveal the issue is faced by approximately 50 per cent women in the UAE


By Jasmine Al Kuttab

Published: Sat 30 Jul 2016, 9:57 PM

It is widely known that unhealthy food and lifestyle, smoking, alcohol and stress are some of the major causes for infertility rates. However, experts are also suggesting that the rise of infertility in the UAE is caused by career driven women.
The modern age has somewhat changed the perception of a woman's purpose in life. Today, women are not just wives, mothers, cooks and cleaners focusing solely on their families and ensuring that dinner is ready by the time the children and husband return home.
More and more women in the UAE are focusing on building their career.
However, doctors in the UAE are urging women to be aware that delaying marriage and putting off having a family due to work, could trigger infertility.
Speaking to Khaleej Times, Dr Monika Chawla, Reproductive Endocrinologist and Fertility Specialist at Fakih IVF Fertility Centre, said infertility rates are a certain concern in the UAE.
"The incidents of infertility are relatively high in the UAE due to the rapid change in society."
"More women are becoming career-oriented and delaying fertility," she added.
The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) found a rise in infertility rates, as the latest findings revealed the issue is faced by approximately 50 per cent of women in the UAE.
Dr Chawla pointed out that infertility rates in the UAE are relatively higher than other parts of the world, as one in every five couples in the country face fertility issues.
Last year, there were 5,975 cases of infertile women seeking treatment in Dubai, and DHA statistics also revealed that women seeking treatment in the emirate alone could double to 9,139 cases by 2030.
Dr Chawla noted that a woman's age is crucial when it comes to having a healthy and successful pregnancy. After the age of 35, the chances of a successful conception fall at a dramatic rate.

Dr Monika Chawla, Fertility Specialist at Fakih IVF Fertility Centre
Late marriages or putting parenthood on hold leads to an increase in age, which causes a decreasing level of hormones, not only in women, but also in men, thus lowering fertility rates.
Moreover, Dr Chawla noted that the rise in unhealthy and modern lifestyles, infections and genetic issues are also causing infertility in the country. "These factors are causing a great deal of hormonal problems."
She added that 20 - 25 per cent of women in the UAE have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is relatively higher than other parts in the world.
"Globally it is only around 15 per cent, so this is a peculiar problem also leading to infertility."
The condition causes the levels of sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone, to go out of balance, thus leading to the growth of ovarian cysts. The syndrome ultimately causes issues in the woman's menstrual cycle, fertility and even her cardiac function.
However, infertility is not only caused by a woman's age and health, as men are also facing similar issues, with approximately 45,000 cases of infertility being solely male related out of approximately 150,000 cases in UAE.
"An unhealthy lifestyle and even heat can cause sperm to die. Heat is not favourable to sperm," added Dr Chawla.
The growing rate of infertility is thus leading to a growing rate in fertility treatments.
"Health issues can often be bypassed through IVF, whether they are small or severe problems. There is a 60-65 per cent average success rate of fertility treatments for women below 35 years of age."

Jasmine Al Kuttab

Published: Sat 30 Jul 2016, 9:57 PM

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