If so, sign up for filmmaking workshops at the Manhattan Film Academy New York, beginning at the ECMIT Campus in Dubai in the New Year.
Beginning Sunday, January 13, the workshops will be in directing, screenwriting and acting. Tutors include academy founder Robert Tutak, who is also the professor of film at the City University of New York and has several films to his credit including 2010’s Dubai: City of Dreams and 2002’s Nobody’s Perfect. Meanwhile, actress and acting coach Ella Sloboda will teach aspiring thespians - among Ella’s alumni are Marlon Brando, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and Al Pacino.
No prior experience is necessary. To register or for more information, visit www.isdmfa.com or from www.mfacademy.com. Alternatively, call 052 987 3508 or e-mail dubai@mfacademy.com.