Transforming workplace culture

Recognition and Rewards (R&R) programmes have emerged as a critical tool for all organisations, especially in a diverse and dynamic market like the UAE


Kushmita Bose

Published: Wed 31 Jul 2024, 5:55 PM

Organisations today face the critical challenge of keeping their workforce engaged and motivated, especially in the rapidly growing and diverse UAE market. As businesses transform, large-scale behavioural and cultural changes among employees become essential. Recognition and Rewards (R&R) programmes have emerged as crucial tools in this context, evolving from traditional loyalty and performance rewards to strategic levers for transforming workplace culture and driving business strategy.

Vantage Circle has developed an R&R programme design framework grounded in behavioural science to enhance business success by nurturing employee behaviour. This scientific approach helps cultivate a dynamic work environment where employees feel valued and motivated, emphasising the importance of recognition and instilling core values across the organisation.

The R&R Design Framework


The AIRe framework, built on four pillars, offers a structured approach to designing and executing effective R&R programmes:

1. Appreciation: Recognising the inherent worth and value of employees’ contributions.

2. Incentivisation: Making recognition attractive enough for employees to aspire to receive it.

3. Reinforcement: Guiding employees towards desired behaviours or results through recognition.

4. Emotional Connect: Attaching strong personal feelings to boost the power of recognition.

How study of behavioural science impacts R&R Programmes

Understanding employee behaviour is key in today’s complex workplaces. Behavioural science helps us address challenges like motivation and communication, thus improving Recognition and Reward (R&R) programmes. Well-designed R&R programmes, based on behavioural science, make employees feel appreciated, leading to better performance and a stronger company culture.

The strategic imperative of R&R Programmes

Pallav Popli, chief revenue officer and employee engagement evangelist of Vantage Circle, said: “Humanising work is no longer just a moral obligation; it is a strategic imperative. Engaged employees lead to higher productivity, reduced turnover, and improved overall performance. Organisations that invest in improving, measuring, and assessing employee engagement see significant returns on investment.”

R&R programmes play a crucial role in this engagement strategy. These programmes are not just about financial incentives; they are about meaningful acknowledgement that resonates with employees on a personal level. Today’s organisations should cultivate a human experience (HX) that nurtures the whole individual, which means recognising not just professional contributions but also valuing employees’ personal well-being and cultural backgrounds. Such an inclusive and supportive environment is essential for employees to thrive.

Insights from Vantage Circle’s UAE Market Study

The Annual Recognition and Rewards Report (UAE) for 2024-2025 demonstrates how companies can leverage R&R programmes more effectively in the UAE corporate landscape.

Key findings:

  • Enhanced employee engagement and performance: Over 77 per cent of companies prioritise enhancing performance/productivity as a primary objective in their Recognition programmes, with R&R driving employee engagement being a close second at 69 per cent.
  • Increased frequency and inclusivity: Over 70 per cent of companies rely on traditional monthly, quarterly, and annual awards to recognise individual team members.
  • Leveraging social and emotional value: Almost 70 per cent of companies use certificates/citations as a form of award, but there is a need to move towards personalised experiences or gifts.
  • Strategic leadership involvement: Only 63 per cent of companies leverage leadership for R&R awareness, indicating room for improvement in this area.
  • Measuring ROI: Companies that conduct detailed ROI evaluations of their R&R programmes report 2-3X higher effectiveness across key objectives like performance and retention.


Recognition & Rewards programmes are essential for modern organisations, especially in a diverse and dynamic market like the UAE. These programmes improve employee engagement by fostering a culture of appreciation and belonging and can drive productivity and business success by nurturing productive behaviours. By adopting strategic R&R practices, companies can unlock the full potential of their workforce, driving significant improvements in overall business performance.

Kushmita Bose

Published: Wed 31 Jul 2024, 5:55 PM

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