Always take second opinion...

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Published: Thu 8 Apr 2021, 2:29 PM

Once, I suffered chest pains and consulted a doctor. He prescribed medications to me which gave temporary relief.  However, some days later I encountered the same symptoms. I feared it to be some cardio-vascular problem and consulted a chest specialist. He made me undergo various tests from an ECG and chest X-ray to a stress test. I felt a lot of pressure. I  actually didn't want myself to be diagnosed and treated as a heart patient. I panicked when the specialist advised me to get admitted to a hospital or any super-speciality clinic for better treatment. I delayed the decision as I had always disliked the gloomy atmosphere and grave faces in hospitals.

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My wife asked me the reason behind avoiding treatment. When I told her, she smiled and said, "Okay, we can think over other options. Let us take a second opinion from another doctor." She took an appointment with a new doctor. He listened to me carefully, examined my test reports and asked a few questions about my daily routine. Finally, he said, "Sir, change your lifestyle from today. Just follow the traditional wisdom - early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. You have chest pains as a result of indigestion and acidity. Eat your meals on time and start following a work-out schedule. Meet me after a week." I followed his advice and to my surprise, my pains vanished in the next couple of days. His diagnosis was perfect. He not only saved me from hospitalisation but provided some invaluable insight. I understood the importance of second opinions.

The second opinion should not be restricted to health alone. We should apply the same to our life and business. I remember an incident where a second opinion saved my friend from getting ruined in business. My friend had some business problems and he was worried. His severe tension led him to take advice from an astrologer. The astrologer predicted that my friend would suffer more adversities in the coming days and prescribed a powerful talisman to protect him from 'evil'. My friend decided to shut down his business. When I heard this, I suggested he take the second opinion of another astrologer who did not believe such superstitions. He rightly advised my friend to have patience for some time and then start the business activities in a different way. The idea worked and his business also got a new boost.

When I thought about venturing into the wholesale business, people told me not to take the risk. I got confused. I was really eager to start a new business. At last, I took advice from a management consultant. He convinced and inspired me by saying, "Don't worry. Even if you suffer losses initially, you will be seasoned eventually. Step in without fear." I daringly explored wholesale trading and earned a huge profit in the first year itself. Since then I have made it a habit to always take second opinions.

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