Awake the determination within

By Dr Dhananjay 'Jay' Datar

Published: Thu 26 May 2022, 12:18 PM

If you really want to live a content and happy life, there is a three-sentenced vow. First, accept that this life is beautiful. Second, take a pledge to make it more beautiful and the third and the most important — determine to overcome all challenges without giving up in the middle.


Last year, when the Covid-19 pandemic gripped the world in its clutches, one of my friends called me from India. He told me the bad news that his Covid-19 medical test had come positive and he was isolated in a treatment centre. As a precautionary measure, his wife and children were also quarantined at home. My friend was worrying about his life. He was fearful of what would happen to his family if he didn’t survive. In a shaky voice he said: “Jay, I am uncertain about my life. Forgive me if I have ever hurt your sentiments.”

I sensed the terror and depression in his voice and convinced him, “Look. First remove the fear and negative thoughts from your mind right now. Instead, awaken the determination from within and keep telling your mind that you will not give up at any cost. I had also gone through the same thought a decade ago, but overcome the challenge and think of this as a second chance to live life to the fullest. You better dream of reuniting with your family rather than thinking of losing them.” My friend took the message and returned home disease-free some time after.

It reminds me of another incidence. One of my friends was in the advertising field. He was diagnosed with kidney cancer and was admitted to the hospital. He would go to the gym regularly. When I visited him in hospital, he told me that the doctor had removed his cancer affected kidney. I felt sympathy for him. Watching the grave expression on my face, he smilingly assured me, “Jay, don’t worry. I still have one more kidney to continue my life as usual. I will not give up my precious life so easily. I will definitely make a comeback and defeat this cancer.” I appreciated his determination and asked him, “What makes your mind so strong to fight against the uncertainty and fear?” To which his reply was, “It is a love for life.”


Later, when he returned home, he had to go through many chemotherapy sessions. He lost his weight and became weak. But he always kept his vow alive. It was a miracle. He immersed himself in his hobbies and continued his routine with the help of a single kidney. Today, he is cancer-free and is enjoying his exercise every day. That’s great. I myself had once reached the doorstep of death and become a victim of various ailments and depression. The only thing that brought me back from the edge was my rock-hard determination.

Napoleon Bonaparte aptly said: “The truest wisdom is a resolute determination.”

Dr Dhananjay (Jay) Datar is the chairman and managing director of Al Adil Trading.

Dr Dhananjay 'Jay' Datar

Published: Thu 26 May 2022, 12:18 PM

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