Balancing overthinking for enhanced productivity

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Published: Fri 26 Jul 2024, 12:48 PM

Ajay: Hey, you seem lost in thought lately. What’s been on your mind?

By Dr Ajayya Kumar

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Friend: Actually, Ajay, I’ve been realising that I tend to overthink a lot, especially when it comes to work decisions. It’s starting to affect my productivity.

Ajay: I understand. Overthinking can really slow us down, especially with how fast-paced every-thing is these days. It may also be resulting from dwelling on past mistakes or worrying endlessly about what could go wrong in the future.

Friend: Yeah, exactly. It’s like I can’t stop planning for every scenario. I end up spending so much time analysing details that I sometimes struggle to make a decision at all.

Ajay: That can be exhausting. Perfectionism and overanalysis can really hold us back. It’s like you’re constantly seeking the perfect solution or validation before making a move. Sometimes it’s better to move forward with “good enough” rather than waiting for perfect.

Friend: That’s true. I think I’m also afraid of making mistakes, so I overplan to avoid errors.

Ajay: I hear you. What could really help in this situation is setting clear decision-making criteria and deadlines. It helps keep things moving. Also learn to appreciate milestones along the way. Instead of waiting to celebrate only when you achieve the end result. Taking time to acknowledge achievements along the way boosts morale and keeps one motivated.

Friend: That’s something I definitely need to work on. I tend to overlook successes because I’m always focused on what’s next.

Ajay: Finding that balance between planning and action is key. We all need space to process thoughts without letting them overwhelm us. You could use some structured time to reflect and gain perspective.

Friend: Sounds like a practical approach. Thanks, Ajay. I’ll start trying out these strategies and see how it goes.

Ajay: Anytime, my friend.

— Dr Ajayya Kumar is a management thinker, art enthusiast, mentor, business advisor, author, and strategist. Views expressed are his own and do not reflect the newspaper’s policy.

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