Gold is a certainty in uncertain times

Published: Mon 19 Dec 2022, 6:09 PM

A robust strategy to help investors weather the storm is to diversify their portfolio and invest in assets that tend to do well in times of economic turbulence, such as gold. Offering a measure of stability, gold has been a reliable store of value for centuries, whose price is not dependent on the economy's health. It also has the advantage of high liquidity, so investors can easily trade it for cash at any time.


Gold-backed cryptocurrency

Buying and storing gold, however, is a challenge for most investors, especially those with limited resources, to safely keep it in their position. A practical and more straightforward way to get invested in gold is through gold-backed cryptocurrency.

Gold-backed cryptocurrency is a cost-effective way to invest in gold as investors do not have to worry about the costly fees associated with buying and storing the physical asset.


The strategic importance of gold-backed cryptocurrency as a potential game changer in global finance gained strength when some of the world's superpowers hinted at a move to create a new digital reserve currency. As the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – recently revealed plans of collectively developing a new basket-based reserve currency, Russia and China are also reportedly moving ahead with separate plans to create a new gold-backed currency that could undermine the US dollar.

These moves may have raised eyebrows, but from an investor's perspective, they reflect gold-backed currency's massive economic and investment potential.

Zambesi Gold Standard

The Zambesi Gold (ZGD), is a gold-backed cryptocurrency that aims to lead the transition of mining assets into fully backed digital assets. ZGD token has continued to increase in value since its launch date despite the market conditions, a significant milestone that underlines investors' strong confidence in a cryptocurrency backed by gold.

ZGD is developed by Zambesi Gold (Pty) Ltd, a mining company run by professionals with over 40 years of experience in the mining industry. The company's expertise in gold mining and its ability to continuously grow its gold reserves through its mining operations are key advantages that set ZGD apart from other gold-backed cryptocurrencies.

Zambesi Gold reinvests 75 per cent of its profits into the business and in acquiring new gold mines, with the remaining gold profits sent to a vault, increasing the amount of gold each token represents. The company's first gold mine is the 50,000-ton-per-month Middelvlei Mine, which has already started operations last month.

ZGD has a high-earning staking system that delivers steady profits to users, offering up to 30 per cent returns on the staked amount in 24 months. In addition, all tokens received from users withdrawing investments are also removed from circulation through a coin-burning mechanism, which effectively ensures the value of ZGD goes higher as more people use it.

Published: Mon 19 Dec 2022, 6:09 PM

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