IEA stresses need for urgent action on energy efficiency

The toolkit provides a practical approach to accelerate action on energy efficiency by guiding governments in the design of effective policy measures, the support of policy decisions and the delivery of policy actions.


Published: Sat 11 Jun 2022, 9:54 AM

Last updated: Sat 11 Jun 2022, 10:16 AM

Energy efficiency is centrally important to improving the lives of all people, providing affordable and reliable energy access, supporting economic growth and resilience, enhancing security of supply and accelerating clean energy transitions. A strong, early focus on energy efficiency is essential for delivering a net zero energy system by 2050.

To support stronger action on efficiency, the IEA has designed a policy toolkit for governments, launched at the IEA’s seventh Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency in June 2022. The toolkit provides a practical approach to accelerate action on energy efficiency by guiding governments in the design of effective policy measures, the support of policy decisions and the delivery of policy actions.

The toolkit comprises two parts: The first is ten strategic principles, based on the recommendations of the Global Commission for Urgent Action on Energy Efficiency. The second is a set of sectoral policy packages that highlight the key policies available to governments, how they can be integrated into an effective overall coherent suite of policies and actions to deliver faster and stronger efficiency gains.


The policy packages present a practical approach to policy design and implementation, built on the foundation of three essential elements: regulation, information and incentives. They highlight how these measures can combine into the most effective package.

Published: Sat 11 Jun 2022, 9:54 AM

Last updated: Sat 11 Jun 2022, 10:16 AM

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