Robotic process automation in action: Optimising logistics and supply chain with Rohit Khankhoje

RPA transforms routine, repetitive tasks previously done manually into automated processes


By Belal Tarique

Published: Wed 31 Jan 2024, 3:32 PM

The integration of robotic process automation (RPA) in logistics and supply chain management is fundamentally reshaping these industries. Utilising technologies like machine learning and AI, RPA enables the execution of tasks through software solutions or bots stored on servers. These intelligent agents learn to perform specific tasks, reducing human error and lowering operational costs.

RPA transforms routine, repetitive tasks previously done manually into automated processes. This technological evolution has found significant application in logistics, becoming a crucial element in supply chain management. According to a Gartner report, 85 per cent of businesses are expected to implement some form of RPA, marking it as a strategic asset.

In discussing the implementation of RPA in the logistics and supply chain industry, it's evident that this technology offers substantial benefits in terms of efficiency and cost savings. Drawing from his experience, Rohit Khankhoje highlighted a specific project that underscores these advantages.


In this project, Khankhoje developed an RPA solution to automate the invoicing process for a logistics company. The crux of the solution involved programming software robots to autonomously retrieve the Bill of Lading documents from various carrier websites. These robots were then tasked with downloading the necessary documents and transferring them directly to the company’s accounting department. This automation eliminated the need for manual retrieval and entry of this critical data.

The implementation of RPA in this project had a transformative impact on the company's operations. Firstly, it greatly increased the accuracy of data management. The automated system meticulously extracted and transferred data to the accounting department, drastically reducing the likelihood of errors commonly associated with manual processes. This enhancement in accuracy was crucial for the integrity of the invoicing process.

Moreover, the automation led to significant time and cost efficiencies. By eliminating the need for manual data gathering and entry, it freed up valuable employee hours. This not only saved labour costs but also sped up the invoicing process, enabling the accounting department to operate with greater speed and efficiency.

Another key benefit was the optimisation of resources. With RPA efficiently handling routine data tasks, the company's staff could shift their focus to more complex and strategic activities, where human expertise was indispensable. This reallocation of tasks allowed for better use of the workforce's skills and capabilities.

The solution also offered scalability, adeptly managing increasing volumes of data without necessitating additional resources. This feature was particularly beneficial in dealing with the variable nature of shipments in logistics, ensuring the system could adapt to fluctuating demands. Furthermore, RPA streamlined the entire workflow process. The seamless data transfer from carrier websites directly to the accounting department enhanced the overall operational efficiency of the company, making the workflow smoother and more cohesive.

This project exemplified how RPA can revolutionise business operations, especially in logistics and supply chain management. By automating repetitive and labour-intensive tasks, the company could significantly cut down operational costs and enhance accuracy. The resources and time saved were then redirected to more critical business areas, underscoring RPA's role as a pivotal tool in modern business optimisation.

According to Khankhoje, the strategic implementation of RPA across various business operations is not just a technological advancement but a transformative shift in optimising efficiency and reducing costs. The automation of order processing tasks is a prime example, where the minimisation of manual errors and the acceleration of processing times lead to a substantial reduction in operational costs. This not only streamlines the order fulfilment process but also significantly enhances customer satisfaction, a vital component of business success.

In the realm of inventory management, RPA's impact is equally profound. By automating tasks such as tracking and stock replenishment, businesses can maintain optimal inventory levels. This is crucial in avoiding the financial pitfalls of stockouts or overstocking, thus ensuring cost-effectiveness and smooth operational flow. Similarly, in freight documentation, RPA's ability to eliminate time-intensive manual work not only ensures compliance and accuracy but also contributes to administrative cost efficiency.

Shipment tracking enhanced by RPA offers another critical advantage. The ability to proactively resolve delivery issues through real-time tracking across carriers can mitigate costs associated with shipping errors and enhance customer service quality. Furthermore, the automation of invoice processing, as showcased by Khankhoje's project, dramatically improves financial transaction accuracy and speed, leading to reduced expenses in invoice management.

Moreover, RPA's application in data entry and validation ensures the integrity and consistency of data across systems. This accuracy is vital for informed decision-making and avoiding costs related to data errors. In customer service, RPA's role in automating routine tasks not only boosts efficiency but also enhances customer experience, thereby potentially reducing the expenses related to handling customer issues.

Lastly, the automation of reporting and analytics is a game-changer. RPA enables businesses to access critical insights more efficiently, supporting faster and more informed decision-making processes, which in turn leads to operational cost savings.

Overall, RPA's diverse applications across business processes significantly reduce manual labour and error rates, leading to tangible cost savings and enhanced operational efficiency. Each implementation, from order processing to analytics, contributes to a holistic improvement in a company’s cost-effectiveness and operational excellence. In today's competitive business landscape, RPA is an invaluable asset, driving innovation and sustainable growth.

— Belal Tarique is an independent business journalist.

Belal Tarique

Published: Wed 31 Jan 2024, 3:32 PM

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