Sakhia Law Group Building Immigration Pathways Between the Middle East and the US

Sakhia Law Group, an immigration law firm with 20 years of expertise, is supporting legal migration from the Middle East to the US.


By Tom White

Published: Thu 20 Jun 2024, 9:45 AM

The firm serves clients globally who are interested in short to long-term residency in America, and has become a leading option in Middle Eastern markets. Founder Naim Haroon Sakhia Esq. diligently explores legal mobility channels to help clients avoid exploitation on their journey to the land of opportunity. Through his admission to the US Federal district courts, Appellate courts, Circuit Courts of Appeals, and The United States Supreme Court, he is able to provide legal services in the entire spectrum of the legal universe offered by the US legal system.

According to 2022 data, 42% of new lawful permanent residents in the United States were immediate relatives of US Citizens. Following this group were employment-based applicants, investment-based applicants, and those sponsored by family. These immigration pathways are most common due to the archaic design of the American immigration system. The US prioritises family sponsorship over a skills-based approach that many other nations are already using. As a result, prospective skilled immigrants are subjected to long waiting times and unfair procedures despite the value they will bring to the country.

Despite these challenges, the US is still one of the most popular immigration destinations globally. The country has almost unparalleled economic opportunities and also offers refuge for people of all backgrounds. When juxtaposed with immigration systems in the Middle East, the US boasts many attractive benefits for incoming residents. Compared to countries like the UAE, which has an immigrant-majority population, the US offers a better chance of assimilation, as well as a chance for permanent residency and citizenship. Although 87.9% of the UAE's total population was immigrants in 2019, the country doesn't offer citizenship and related benefits to non-locals.

On the other hand, the US has millions of immigrants who have become permanent residents and citizens. The country also grants residency status to unmarried children 21 years and below who are immigrating with their parents. This is uncommon in the Middle East as it is only applicable in situations where children are 18 years or younger. Besides the legal benefits of immigrating to the US, many individuals living in the Middle East are hopeful to call this place home because of its diversity, equality, acceptance within mainstream society, and entrepreneurial spirit.

Across Los Angeles, Dallas, and San Francisco, Sakhia Law Group empowers clients in the Middle East and elsewhere to explore their immigration options. Through hands-on consultations and planning, the firm creates a custom roadmap for each client. Based on their goals and current standing, Sakhia Law Group transparently shares their most suitable immigration options for moving to the US. Whether they are a business owner, employee, or student, the firm simplifies the complexities of immigration law and becomes a trustworthy partner guiding them to success.

Sakhia, the expert behind the firm, is passionate about facilitating legal immigration from all parts of the world to the US. As an immigrant himself, he is well aware of negligent firms and exploitative offers that can lead to harmful and uncorrectable situations. By leveraging his expertise in civil and Federal legal matters, Sakhia enables his clients to relieve the emotional burden of immigration, leaving it to a successful experienced professional with two decades of expertise.

Tom White

Published: Thu 20 Jun 2024, 9:45 AM