UAE residents are using technology to take control of their health, says Philips Health Trends Research

There is an overwhelming acceptance of digital health technologies in the UAE, with 95 per cent of respondents believing that technology can play an important role in managing their health more efficiently


Published: Fri 10 Mar 2023, 12:32 PM

Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, today released its first Health Trends Research United Arab Emirates (UAE) findings, shedding light on the state of local healthcare. Philips commissioned Censuswide, an independent market research consultancy, to conduct the study aimed to equip healthcare providers with insights into current health trends and public perceptions of healthcare in the UAE, enabling them to adapt to these shifts in demand to address immediate priorities and future needs.

“At Philips, we believe that the study validates that the UAE is well-positioned to transition its healthcare approach from sick care, which has historically been the norm, to value-based healthcare. This transformation begins with a greater emphasis on proactive preventive measures, supported by advanced technology that enables improved health outcomes at every stage of care, including diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care,” says Marc Antoine Zora, general manager and district leader, Gulf & Levant, Philips Middle East.

“While residents perceive themselves to generally be in good health, they want to be more proactive, and are ready to embrace digital health technology to realise a healthier future, for themselves and our planet,” says Lucy Stewart, head of client services at Censuswide.


The shifts in consumer perceptions and behaviour towards well-being and technology, revealed in the Philips Health Trends Research UAE, are expected to have a long-term impact on the way people think about and engage with healthcare in the future.

Three key themes are particularly prominent in the findings:

Healthy living and prevention

The pandemic has led to greater health consciousness among the UAE residents, with 95 per cent taking a proactive approach to protecting their health and 70 per cent feeling more in control of their health since its onset.

89 per cent of respondents rated their current health status as good, with an impressive 88 per cent committing to being more proactive about their health and well-being. Additionally, UAE residents are also aware of how different factors can impact their health, acknowledging that oral health can affect their general health (87 per cent ) and heart health (75 per cent).

This drive for improved health is supported by the top four factors that make it easier for people to focus on their health: a better understanding of healthy living (53 per cent), access to and maintenance of personal medical records (52 per cent), mentor programmes that provide guided health support to keep them on track (48 per cent) and doctors having access to their information regardless of a hospital (48 per cent).

Power of health technology

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital technologies in the healthcare sector, increasing people's trust in health technology. The Philips Health Trends Research UAE reveals that 95 per cent of respondents believe technology can help manage their health more efficiently due to its ease of use (51 per cent), faster access to specialists and healthcare professionals (51 per cent), easier access to results (50 per cent), and by allowing all their healthcare data to be stored in one place (46 per cent).

With most UAE residents believing in the benefits of digital health solutions, 67 per cent of respondents confirmed that they are aware of telehealth. The research indicates that 90 per cent would consider using telehealth solutions, and 72 per cent believe virtual discussions with doctors are as effective as face-to-face examinations.

The data confirms that UAE residents are largely agreeable to providing access to their personal data for developmental purposes, with 38 per cent open to allowing all their data to be used, 37 per cent allowing most to be used, and 20 per cent allowing a small portion to be used.

This creates considerable opportunity to truly transform healthcare by tapping into the latest innovations in telehealth that offer several advantages, including easy access to specialised healthcare professionals – regardless of their physical location, with increased opportunities to collaborate, cost savings for both patients and providers, more efficient care with shorter waiting times, and regular and systematic touchpoints: all contributing to better patient outcomes.

Sustainability is a key consideration for healthcare

The Philips Health Trends Research has also revealed that most of the UAE residents (82 per cent) believe that sustainability should be a priority for healthcare companies. Respondents' top considerations also highlighted the importance of prioritizing practices that do not harm the environment, with 51 per cent of respondents indicating this as a key priority. Nearly half of the respondents (48 per cent) believe that healthcare companies should conduct their business in a sustainable manner, while 41 per cent feel that these companies should aim to become carbon negative.

These results indicate that residents in the UAE greatly value sustainable business practices; creating the heightened need for healthcare leaders to achieve sustainable healthcare.

“It is encouraging to see such a close alignment between the healthcare fraternity and UAE residents,” says Zora. “Many healthcare leaders are already turning to healthcare technologies to help them replace outdated, less efficient operations and technologies in favour of sustainability. With the patient population embracing sustainable innovations, we believe the sector has an unparalleled opportunity to expand access to quality healthcare, sustainably, while improving outcomes for better healthcare in the UAE and beyond” he added.

Research Masthead

The Philips Health Trends Research UAE was conducted online by Censuswide, an independent market research consultancy. There were 495 respondents in the UAE aged between 18-64 with quotas set to ensure that SEC groups and regions represented the country distribution. Gender quotas were also set to achieve a 50/50 split. The survey took place between May and June 2022.

Published: Fri 10 Mar 2023, 12:32 PM

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