Your Personal Brand is Your Online Identity

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Published: Thu 3 Feb 2022, 10:03 AM

Last updated: Thu 3 Feb 2022, 10:04 AM

Whether you are a global giant or a budding social media influencer, establishing and building your brand is a must to drive business. As per Karishhma Mago, CEO, Facilius Inc.: “Your brand is your story and what drives you to share that story.” She adds, “Your brand is your identity which essentially reflects who you are, your values, the principles you stand for, and how you express these values and principles.”

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Karishhma Mago discusses ways to reinvent your brand and grow your business in this digitally-powered era.

Know Yourself

“Before you reinvent your brand, you need to know and understand yourself,” pointed out Mago. List out your strengths and weaknesses to determine what industry you want to represent and how it can grow over time. “Think about your passions, the things you excel at, and where you get a lot of compliments. Most importantly, build your brand around something that makes you happy,” she believes.

Identify Your Audience

“To reinvent your brand, you must find your tribe. Identify your target audience to understand better how to interact with them and build your content around this audience,” Mago elaborated. If you already have an audience, utilise feedback (especially on social media) to curate your content per your audience’s demands. If you are trying to attract a new audience, find out what the top figures in your areas of interest are doing and figure out a way to improve upon it.

Grow Your Digital Footprint

“You must have a strong online presence to grow your brand in 2021,” said Mago. Social media makes this more accessible than ever, thanks to the numerous platforms available. Just remember, your brand might translate more effectively on one platform than another. “Your target audience could also influence your choice, as Facebook and Instagram users are two different demographics. Even if you utilise Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok with equal efficacy, make sure your story/brand is consistent across each platform.”

Embrace Your Differences

If there is something unique about your brand that makes it stand out, play this up. By embracing your differences, you are setting yourself apart. While some industries operate in niche segments, others are very crowded. Either way, by standing out, you are setting yourself up for attention. And attention is the first step to customer/follower engagement. “If your unique qualities are a strength within your chosen area, you might want to put them at the forefront and core of your brand,” advised Mago.

Offer Value

For her final tip, Mago said, “Your brand must offer tangible value to customers to remain sustainable.” Think of this as offering people valuable material and content that will teach them something. The goal is to be a genuine and trusted resource to your audience. Successful brands provide a product or service that adds value to people’s lives. Beauty bloggers, car companies, cleaning services, pet stores, and everything in-between establish their brands focused on what they can offer to their audience. As you reinvent your brand, think of what you have to offer and what makes it stand out from other brands’ offerings in your segment.

Having guided some of the world’s largest companies to reinvent themselves, Mago’s advice is invaluable for those looking to reinvent their personal brands. The essential concepts being the same, these methods can be applied to a brand or business of any size. It’s time to rewrite your story and share it with those who are eager to listen.

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