Cook to your heart's content with water from the taps

Published: Thu 6 Jun 2019, 12:03 AM

Have you ever tried cooking with the water that flow out of our taps? I have been lectured several times over the years against the practice but have unashamedly stuck to the belief that cooking food using bottled water is a luxury one must avoid. Tap water in this part of the world on the other hand, is a marvel I have raved about for a long time now. I have used it to make curries, steam out batches of idlis and momos, boil eggs, cook rice, make batter, grind chutneys, dilute soups and porridge, rinse out grains, fruits and vegetables and, finally, prepare our daily cuppa - the inevitable karak chai. Basically, anything that requires a watery base and a good dose of boiling, gets into a pan and right on top of my stove. So there you go - my secret's out!
But do wait before you wrinkle your nose and scoff at me, this is my explanation . my theory so to speak.
Never have I fallen ill after consuming food cooked at home and if at all I did fall victim (to a minor display of the 'annoyed-bowel-phase') I have always maintained that the reason could be due to any of the ingredients within or, the item in question that is to be suspected but never the water! In our country of birth, piped water is almost always connected to a filtering device of some sort or at least filtered or boiled before use and this speaks volumes about the quality and efficiency of the system that we enjoy here as a whole.
Coming to my cooking practices - my faith has remained steadfast for over a decade and I see no reason to change unless of course, the overhead water storage tank is to be blamed.
I have not completely discarded the use of bottled water though. Drinking water that is to be consumed directly without filtering or boiling is better bottled than otherwise!
Anitha Padanattil, Dubai

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