Antibiotics' dilemma

A growing number of deadly diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis are becoming difficult to treat as these drugs have become less effective.


Published: Wed 20 Jul 2016, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Wed 20 Jul 2016, 2:00 AM

The UAE has taken a commendable initiative to curb the overuse of antibiotics. For nearly a century, bacteria-fighting drugs-antibiotics have helped to control and destroy many of the harmful bacteria that make us sick. But in recent decades, these powerful drugs are losing their punch against some type of bacteria. Sadly, the misuse is helping to create new drug-resistant 'superbugs'.
The resistance to antibiotics is a global threat today. A growing number of deadly diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis are becoming difficult to treat as these drugs have become less effective. The misuse is also hampering our ability to treat common infectious diseases. Spreading awareness and tighter regulations of the sale of these drugs will help to curb and combat the resistance.
- Jayashree Kulkarni, Abu Dhabi

Violence and information-blockade in Kashmir is worrisome. It is sad to note the deafening silence of saner elements of the Indian Press.
- Mohammad Hamza, Dubai

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The raise in rent contract fee by the Sharjah municipality will add to the burden of people.
- Shanti Anand, Sharjah

Published: Wed 20 Jul 2016, 12:00 AM

Last updated: Wed 20 Jul 2016, 2:00 AM

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