Salute to the compassionate leadership of the UAE

By Zaidi Nasirali, KT website

Published: Sun 29 Mar 2020, 8:07 PM

Last updated: Sun 29 Mar 2020, 10:08 PM

The UAE has always been at the forefront to offer assistance, in cash or kind to individuals and countries in need (UAE's outreach to countries in need shows it cares; KT, March 29). The progressive and responsive leadership of Abu Dhabi and Dubai, to be more specific, makes it a point to reach out to all in need, and it doesn't matter whether the country is an ally or not.
The leadership of this country is guided by an exceptionally high degree of compassion and empathy. It should inspire governments and leaders all over. We salute UAE's leaders for this.

Zaidi Nasirali, KT website

Published: Sun 29 Mar 2020, 8:07 PM

Last updated: Sun 29 Mar 2020, 10:08 PM

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