Dubai Police Officers demonstrated the use of various Holmatro rescue tools, featuring new innovative battery technology, and exhibited a series of battery-operated tools.
Dubai — The Dubai Police carried out a major live rescue demonstration by introducing Corodex Agencies’ cutting-edge rescue tools, featuring a new battery technology at Intersec, which runs in Dubai from January 18-20 at the Dubai International Convention Centre.
The Dubai Police performed the demonstration yesterday, outside the main exhibition area at 11am and will also carry out the demonstration again on January 19. The Dubai Police said that the new equipment is vitally important in rescue operation, when a driver or passenger is trapped in the wreckage of a car crash; the police will be able to get to them quickly and safely by using efficient rescue tools.
During the live rescue, the Dubai Police Officers demonstrated the use of various Holmatro rescue tools, featuring new innovative battery technology, and exhibited a series of battery-operated tools, which include cutters, spreaders, rams, and a mini cutter.
The new line of Holmatro equipment makes use of new battery technology designed to maximise operation time by using high-capacity batteries that maintain the same power continuously as the rescue tool is in use, and only shuts down when the battery has been completely emptied. The Greenline rescue tools not only immensely improve the efficiency of rescue operations, but also reduce health risks for both rescuers and victims as all the products are emission-free.
Mahmoud Awad, managing director of Concorde-Corodex Group, said: “The purpose of the demonstration is to allow visitors at Intersec to witness how these ground-breaking products will increase the efficiency of rescue missions, when extracting victims from vehicles and to make sure that our products are saving lives.”