Ex Machina

This intriguing thriller based on the enduring subject of androids and their effects on the human condition looks genuinely compelling, well acted and chock-full of conspiracy.


By David Light (senior Reporter)

Published: Thu 26 Mar 2015, 9:33 PM

Last updated: Thu 25 Jun 2015, 10:19 PM

From the stupid in Get Hard to the intelligence, (or should that be Artificial Intelligence?) of Ex Machina. This intriguing thriller based on the enduring subject of androids and their effects on the human condition looks genuinely compelling, well acted and chock-full of conspiracy.

 A computer geek, Caleb, wins a week’s stay with a computer genius who it turns out is building robots at his home. The genius, Nathan, asks Caleb to test his latest creation – android Ava – to see if she is able to pass the Turing Test, a series of measures to see if a computer is really sentient. During his time Caleb forms an attachment to Ava who, if she were to pass the test, would be upgraded and her memory wiped. What will Caleb do?


• Domhnall  Gleeson who plays Caleb has played an android in AI and TV series Black Mirror.

 Imdb gives Ex Machina 8 and Rottentomatoes rates it at 90%.

David Light (senior Reporter)

Published: Thu 26 Mar 2015, 9:33 PM

Last updated: Thu 25 Jun 2015, 10:19 PM

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