Veteran comic book artist Whilce Portacio, was among the esteemed panel of guests featured at the recently concluded Middle East Film Comic Con held at the Dubai World Trade Center, an annual event that drew 60,000 avid geeks, cos players and pop culture fans from all over the region. Recognised by Stan Lee himself as one of the 'Comic Book Greats' of this generation, Whilce Portacio is among the most respected comic book artists in the world, known mostly for his work in the Uncanny X-Men, a Marvel comic. Born in Cavite, Philippines, Portacio and his family migrated to the US when he was very young. He broke into the comics industry by inking the tight pencils of Art Adams' debut on the classic Longshot series for Marvel in 1985. Quickly he became a sought-after artist at Marvel, giving rise to his own character for X-Men named Bishop (who recently headlined the movie X Men: Days of Future Past) as well as the characters Malcolm and Randall. Whilce is also a co-founder at Image Comics, an American comic book publisher founded in 1992 by high-profile profile illustrators as a venue where creators could publish their material without giving up the copyrights to the characters they created. To date, Whilce is working independently for Image and Marvel. He did Spawn, Artifacts, Hulk, Journey Into Mystery, Uncanny X Men and his work has graced various Marvel covers. He has also launched his new creator-owned book called Non-Humans for Image with Glen Brunswick (writer of new Line Cinema's Frequency) and a new sci-fi book from this team is due this year.
Portacio with one of his creations
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