The show airs on ABS-CBN and on TFC in UAE every Sunday with celebrity coaches Sarah Geronimo, Leah Salonga, Bamboo and Black Eyed Peas’ all on-board for Season 2.
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Blind auditions for the hit franchise reality TV series The Voice opened its second season with a bang, with the auditions featuring some very talented singers, including some notable voices – Karla Estrada, mother of Teen King Daniel Padilla, Kai Honasan, youngest daughter of Senator Gringo Honasan, impersonator Rufa Mi, and Miro Valera, frontman of the defunct band Stonefree.
The show airs on ABS-CBN and on TFC in UAE every Sunday with celebrity coaches Sarah Geronimo, Leah Salonga, Bamboo and Black Eyed Peas’ all on-board for Season 2.
Kristine Abante brings you the lowdown from the Filipino entertainment world
Blind auditions for the hit franchise reality TV series The Voice opened its second season with a bang, with the auditions featuring some very talented singers, including some notable voices – Karla Estrada, mother of Teen King Daniel Padilla, Kai Honasan, youngest daughter of Senator Gringo Honasan, impersonator Rufa Mi, and Miro Valera, frontman of the defunct band Stonefree.
The show airs on ABS-CBN and on TFC in UAE every Sunday with celebrity coaches Sarah Geronimo, Leah Salonga, Bamboo and Black Eyed Peas’ all on-board for Season 2.
Kristine Abante brings you the lowdown from the Filipino entertainment world