Filipino job certificate goes onlineAccording to the Philippine labour attaché attorney Ophelia Almenario, the e-system has not only shortened the queue at the POLO-OWWA.
'You feel incomplete when you don't see your family...'Reina de Padua-Tingson > Age: 40 > Filipina > Marketing Coordinator
Online booking for renewal of passports for Filipinos in CapitalThe transition to the e-system takes over the previous log-book system which required applicants to personally appear at the embassy just to book an appointment.
Abu Dhabi schools show steady improvementAdec's report on the quality of schools finds slow but steady improvement in performance
Private sector employees share Eid experiencesThey had taken advantage of their two-day Eid Al Fitr holiday to spend time with family and friends.
Countries with better climes beckon this EidEid holidays, coupled with school break, encouraging people to travel; Norway, Kerala, Turkey popular.
Disability is not a deterrent, prove high school achieversVisually impaired among top high school achievers
Now check-in buttons in school busesThey will enable driver to check every seat and confirm no child is left in the bus.
Beware of burglars while on vacationAccording to the police, empty homes during the vacation season are happy hunting grounds for burglars.