Don't fight boredom, go along with it

By Neel Burton (The Shrink)

Published: Sun 16 Feb 2020, 10:13 PM

Last updated: Mon 17 Feb 2020, 12:14 AM

What, exactly, is boredom? Boredom is a deeply unpleasant state of unmet arousal: we are aroused rather than despondent, but, for one or more reasons, our arousal cannot be met or directed. These reasons can be internal-often a lack of imagination, motivation, or concentration-or external, such as an absence of environmental stimuli or opportunities. We want to do something engaging, but find ourselves unable to do so, and, more than that, are frustrated by the rising awareness of this inability.
Awareness, or consciousness, is key, and may explain why animals, if they do get bored, generally have higher thresholds for boredom. In the words of Colin Wilson: most animals dislike boredom, but man is tormented by it. In both man and animal, boredom is induced or exacerbated by a lack of control or freedom, which is why it is so common in children and adolescents, who, in addition to being chaperoned, lack the mind furnishings-the resources, experience, and discipline-to mitigate their boredom.
Let's look more closely at the anatomy of boredom. Why is it so damned boring to be stuck in a departures lounge while our flight is increasingly delayed? We are in a high state of arousal, anticipating our imminent arrival in a novel and stimulating environment. True, there are plenty of shops and magazines around, but we're not really interested in either, and, by dividing our attention, they serve only to exacerbate our boredom. To make matters worse, the situation is out of our control, unpredictable (the flight could be further delayed, or even cancelled), and inescapable. As we check and re-check the monitor, we become painfully aware of all these factors and more. And so here we are, caught in transit, in a high state of arousal which we can neither engage nor escape.
If we really need to catch our flight, maybe because our livelihood or the love of our life depends on it, we will feel less bored (although more anxious and annoyed) than if it had been a toss-up between travelling and staying at home. In that much, boredom is an inverse function of perceived need or necessity. We might get bored at the funeral of an obscure relative but not at that of a parent or sibling.
So far so good, but why exactly is boredom so unpleasant? Arthur Schopenhauer argued that, if life were intrinsically meaningful or fulfilling, there could be no such thing as boredom.
Boredom, then, is evidence of the meaninglessness of life, opening the shutters on some very uncomfortable feelings which we normally block out with a flurry of activity or with the opposite feelings. This is the essence of the manic defence, which consists in preventing feelings of helplessness and despair from entering the conscious mind by occupying it with opposite feelings of euphoria, purposeful activity, and omnipotent control-or, failing that, any feelings at all.
People who suffer from chronic boredom are at higher risk of developing psychological problems such as depression, overeating, and alcohol and drug misuse. A study found that, when confronted with boredom in an experimental setting, many people chose to give themselves unpleasant electric shocks simply to distract from their own thoughts, or lack thereof.
Out in the real world, we expend considerable resources on combatting boredom. The value of the global entertainment and media market is set to reach $2.6 trillion by 2023, and entertainers and athletes are afforded ludicrously high levels of pay and status. The technological advances of recent years have put an eternity of entertainment at our fingertips, but this has only made matters worse, in part, by removing us further from our here and now. Instead of feeling sated and satisfied, we are desensitized and in need of ever more stimulation-ever more war, ever more gore, and ever more hardcore.
But the good news is that boredom can also have upsides. Even if we are one of those rare people who feel fulfilled, it is worth cultivating some degree of boredom, insofar as boredom provides us with the pre-conditions to delve more deeply into ourselves, reconnect with the rhythms of nature, and begin and complete highly focused, long, and difficult work.
So instead of fighting boredom, go along with it, entertain it, make something out of it. In short, be yourself less boring. Next time you find yourself in a boring situation, throw yourself fully into it-instead of doing what we normally do, which is to step further and further back.
If this feels like too much of an ask, the Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh advocates simply appending the word "meditation" to whatever activity it is that you find boring, for example, "waiting in an airport-meditation."
In the words of Samuel Johnson: "It is by studying little things that we attain the great art of having as little misery and as much happiness as possible." - Neel Burton, M.D., is a psychiatrist and philosopher, who teaches in Oxford, England.
- Psychology Today

Neel Burton (The Shrink)

Published: Sun 16 Feb 2020, 10:13 PM

Last updated: Mon 17 Feb 2020, 12:14 AM

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