Gaddafi’s audacious offer

It’s too late to come from Muammar Gaddafi. The Libyan iron man whose status is now of a fugitive has the audacity to offer his nation a transfer of power dialogue. The less said the better on such self-serving moves on the part of fallen dictators.


Published: Mon 29 Aug 2011, 8:23 PM

Last updated: Mon 6 Apr 2015, 6:48 PM

Yet, one is dumb struck to assume as to what motivated Gaddafi to speak out from his hideout and talk of transfer of power mechanism when indeed the rug has already been pulled under his feet? Tripoli is in the hands of rebels and the government of whatsoever essence has ceased to exist. All that the yesteryears ruling edifice has to boast is a son or two of Gaddafi who play to the gallery in a media show along with their loyalists from undisclosed locations.

Gaddafi’s green regime has gone so is his glory and pomp. This should be a moment of deep introspection for the leader who had vowed to fight till death and is himself in hiding. Libya and the people at large have already suffered a lot, and this game of deception shouldn’t go on at any cost. Gaddafi in whatever grace he holds for him and the nation should admit that he is a spent force, and it would be appropriate of him to publically call it a day. Holding the fort from a hideout in some tribal zone is tantamount to pushing the country in a civil war, wherein the sympathisers and supporters of the fallen regime will be exposed to danger at the hands of rebels and political opponents.

Tripoli should not be allowed to become another Somalia. The chaos and waywardness that the streets of the capital reflect at the moment is a worrisome equation. Lack of governmental writ for long could easily lead to lawlessness and ad hocism of the worst order, which by virtue of being a tribal country could be devastating. The international community that had closely followed the uprising is in need of prevailing over the influential segments of power brokers in Libya to talk out an equation of consensus and reconciliation for a new governance apparatus. While Gaddafi has let the nation down, it’s time for the world comity to lead from the front.

Published: Mon 29 Aug 2011, 8:23 PM

Last updated: Mon 6 Apr 2015, 6:48 PM

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