World must fight terror together

Notwithstanding the statements of condemnation, pouring in from across the world, the fact is that the war on terrorism is far from being won.


Published: Wed 29 Jun 2016, 7:09 PM

Last updated: Wed 29 Jun 2016, 9:43 PM

No ONE country can fight against terror. This is everyone's fight. We must take it to terrorism's safe havens, to the hills, valleys and suburbs of hate. Close on the heels of mayhem in Brussels and other European cit-ies, the terror raised its ugly head once again in Istanbul. on a similar pattern, as witnessed earlier, three attackers made their way into one of the busiest air-ports in the region, and began shooting inside and outside the terminal. on being checked, they blew themselves up. More than 36 people are killed and around 150 injured in what seems to be a deadliest day for Turkey in its fight against terrorism. Ankara and Istanbul were attacked earlier as well, but the assault on Ataturk International Airport has undoubtedly confirmed that terror is now an even bigger global problem. Though none have claimed responsibility, the Daesh and the Kurdish separatists are the prime suspects.
Notwithstanding the statements of condemnation, pouring in from across the world, the fact is that the war on terrorism is far from being won. World leaders have failed in properly estimating the terror threat and lack of coordinated action has provided the dreaded elements to regroup and indulge in carnage. The point is that the terrorists are free to choose their timing and targets, and seem to be scot-free. This necessitates a forensic trail tracking of disgruntled elements and cracking down on abettors that provide social shield to these terror groups. Had the attackers of Madrid, Paris and Brussels been taken to task in real time, and their terror nexus dismantled, Istanbul could have been saved from this devastation. All the terror at-tacks in the last one year prove that Daesh is creeping into urban centres worldwide and has a presence from Mosul to Madrid and from Paris to Ankara. With their gradual penetration into metropolitans, the fear is one of guerilla warfare in times to come. Daesh and Al Qaeda have indulged in it in Yemen, Iraq and Syria. Whoever is behind Istanbul's attacks should not go unpunished. World governments and intelligence agencies need to share their notes and finish this men-ace of terrorism once and for all.

Published: Wed 29 Jun 2016, 7:09 PM

Last updated: Wed 29 Jun 2016, 9:43 PM

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