Residents align sentiments ahead of Pope Francis' papal visit to the Capital

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Residents align sentiments ahead of Pope Francis papal visit to the Capital
Pope Francis

In anticipation of the pontiff's sole public appearance to commemorate the Year of Tolerance, residents express their views to Melissa Randhawa about this inspiring stride to solidify interfaith relations.

By Melissa Randhawa

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Published: Mon 4 Feb 2019, 2:29 PM

Sheikha Hend Faisal Al Qassemi

Judaism maybe the religion of Justice, Christianity that of love and Islam that of Mercy; but let us Emiratis exemplify those people of Tolerance where we accept all for their virtues and goodwill and reciprocate the same kindness back.

Lisa George
His Holiness Pope Francis' visit to the UAE, as the country marks the Year of Tolerance, is very symbolic. The Holy Father's papacy, so far, has been marked by his message of outreach and goodwill towards all. Himself being a child of immigrants, he has often advocated for the welfare of refugees and the end of seemingly endless wars so that humanity can progress in a spirit of tolerance and understanding.
The UAE has been my home for almost 15 years and the freedom to attend Mass is something very important to me. I am glad that the UAE allows everyone the freedom to practice their religion in a peaceful, tolerant environment.
Whenever I travel to other countries, people often ask me if there is a church in the UAE and they are surprised to hear that Christians are living here. It is a picture, often very different, from what they think of the Middle East. The Pope's visit will help the whole world understand more about the UAE and its leadership's commitment to building a happy, tolerant society.

Ineke D'souza

Since a long while, I wanted to attend a Papal mass. In the last decade, I had missed out on being able to participate in the World Youth Day pilgrimages around the world and to be able to attend a Papal Mass was slowly becoming an impossible dream. When we read in the news that Pope Francis would be coming to Abu Dhabi and celebrate mass at Zayed Stadium, suddenly my dreams seemed to become possible! Every parishioner was buzzing with the news - from here to Canada!
I had registered as a parishioner on the website and waited, while hoping for the best. On January 29 at 5pm, I found out I got a ticket for the mass. I started crying. When you believe, when you truly put all your faith in Him, God makes all your dreams come true.
Our Rulers and the UAE Government and the city of Abu Dhabi have given all of us the greatest event of our lives, with a red-carpet welcome for the head of the Catholic Church in the Year of Tolerance! There is so much gratitude for every person involved who is making this event possible. I love the UAE - having lived here all my life. This is the only place I call home.

Mashianeh Hatam Abadi

"One is loved because one is loved, no other reason is required for loving!" (Coelho, 1988) is a quote that represents one of the greatest lessons I've learned living as an expat in a diverse country such as the UAE.
As I was growing up away from home, I've witnessed how love can diminish the walls people put up in the name of religion, race and gender. I had a chance to observe how conflicts raised in the name of cultural differences disappear by the power of compassion, and I have noticed how misunderstandings that are rooted in the lack of communication become non-existent in the face of tolerance.
For the past 21 years, living in the UAE, I have watched lives being celebrated, generations being raised, and a country being built by the power of love, tolerance and acceptance in the midst of differences. I have noticed how people from different walks of life can come together, and hand in hand create a society where everyone is welcomed and proud to call it home.

Hycinth Silveira

In the 27 years that I have been in Dubai, St. Mary's [Catholic Church] has been one of the many factors that has helped turn this city into my home. Not only has this church helped me evolve spiritually, but it has been a part of several cherished memories - from witnessing my children's baptism and confirmation over the years up until the celebration of my silver jubilee. I am truly grateful to be a part of such a vibrant and joyous parish community, and I know that this church will continue to be a beacon of light and worship in my life and those of others.

Suku Sudhakaran

The word Tolerance has not been a buzzword for me. It was only when an old friend reminded me about the visits to St. Mary's Catholic Church that I realised the reason why!
Growing up in the emirate of Sharjah, my first memories of Dubai are the monthly visits every first Friday and Sunday of the month where my father would take the family to the temple in Bur Dubai, St. Mary's Church and Al Futtaim Mosque.
These visits were more of a social affair than a religious one. As children, we looked forward to these visits as we met our "universal" family friends, different communities attending irrespective of caste or creed.
I guess this is the reason why the word tolerance doesn't create a buzz, thanks to our father who had taught the values of tolerance into us at a very young age. In a way, I among many others of my generation, have tried to pass this on to the next generations where most of us celebrate Eid, Christmas and Onam at home with the same fervour.
On behalf of the Sudhakaran family and our universal family in the UAE, I would like to wish the St. Mary's Church a happy 60th Anniversary and a warm welcome to Pope Francis to the UAE, a land where tolerance has been a norm of life.

Ericson Nicolas Tolentino

The faithfuls' greatest opportunity to see the Head of the Catholic Church will happen for the first time in the history of the whole Middle East. I am over the moon! It really shows that the UAE embraces diversity and the rulers are open to welcome everyone in professing their religion. It's a message that transcends to the whole world that whatever beliefs an individual has, people can still live in peace and harmony. Truly, nothing is impossible with God! It's a once in a blue moon opportunity to see Pope Francis in closer range and to attend the mass he'll officiate. I'm very thankful because we will be part of the thousands who'll witness it.

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