Watch: China's towering glass-bottom platform opens

China - Owners of the viewing platform say it's currently the biggest in the world.


By Reuters

Published: Wed 1 Jun 2016, 4:29 PM

Last updated: Wed 1 Jun 2016, 6:40 PM

A glass-bottom platform that takes visitors a towering 400 metres above ground opens in China.
At 400 metres above the ground, this glass-bottom platform isn't a relaxing spot for those with a fear of heights. While some were visibly nervous, others were relaxed. Thirty-year-old Yang Yang even managed to get a workout in.  
  "When I first got up here it really was quite scary because this must be a few hundred metres high and it's a completely transparent walkway. Also, the wind is quite strong up here, so it feels really scary and exciting,"30-year-old tourist Yang Yang said.
Another visitor, Chen Wei had a hard time making a round."I'm scared, I don't dare to look down, I'm just looking straight ahead, I'm just keeping a grip on the railing as I walk." Owners of the viewing platform say it's currently the biggest in the world.


Published: Wed 1 Jun 2016, 4:29 PM

Last updated: Wed 1 Jun 2016, 6:40 PM

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