Centre of excellence

The country is among the foremost ones making knowledge and knowledge production sustainable in terms of adapting to digital transformation with appropriate technology equipment by closely following the changes in higher education paradigms


Published: Fri 11 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM

Türkiye is the leading country in the European Higher Education Area in terms of the number of students. In addition to this quantitative superiority, the Council of Higher Education (CoHE) continues to work on structural transformations focused on increasing the quality of education and training at a fast pace. One of the most important tools used to reach this goal is ‘internationalisation’.

Currently, the number of international students at Turkish universities has recently increased significantly and reached 240, 000 with students from 182 countries. With this number, Türkiye has become one of the top 10 countries that accept the most international students in the world.


10 Reasons to Study in Türkİye

1. Quality Higher Education Opportunities

Türkiye is the second country in the world in access to higher education with a 94.2 per cent schooling rate. The country is involved in European Higher Education Area through the implementation of the Bologna process. Türkiye has received a perfect score of 5 out of 5, which means that a diploma from a Turkish university will be recognised in all European countries. Furthermore, Türkiye is one of the most successful countries participating in the exchange programmes under Erasmus +.

2. University and Programme Diversity

There are 207 universities in Türkiye with a population of 82 million. The number of students is close to eight million. With this number of students, it is one of the leading countries with the most students in European Higher Education Area. There are nearly 44,000 different programmes at 207 universities. With such a varied range of subjects to choose from, you will definitely find a university and programme for yourself.

3. Multicultural Life

Türkiye, which has hosted many deep-rooted civilisations in its territory for thousands of years, is almost a mosaic of cultures. In such a multicultural setting, everyone is tolerant and respectful to each other. Türkiye, where you can find a piece of your roots and perhaps can meet people who speak your language, is ideal for students with its safe and peaceful environment.

4. Natural Beauties

Türkiye, which experiences four seasons, has a reputation for its natural beauties all over the world. You can enjoy swimming and water sports in the seas that surround Türkiye, you can ski in many cities in the mountains, you can enjoy rafting in the rivers and experience many extreme sports.

5. Historical and Cultural Heritage

Based on its long history, there are thousands of historical and cultural monuments in Türkiye, many of which are protected as UNESCO Cultural Heritage. Even in your daily life, you will want to keep track of the traces you may encounter frequently!

6. Student Friendly

With at least one university in every city, Türkiye is a student-friendly country with its social clubs, sports teams and cultural events at every university, which bring together students and make distant geographies close. When you arrive in Türkiye you will understand that the most active points of the city are the places where students socialise.

7. Hospitable Turkish People

The hospitality of Turkish people has been legendary all over the world. As a student, if you ask for help, people will do their utmost with all sincerity and friendliness. Turks will welcome you as a guest and treat you with food and hospitality, ensuring that you don’t miss your home.

8. Modern Technological Campuses

No matter which one of the 207 universities you go, you will experience a modern and convenient campus life, equipped with the latest technology.

9. Easy Living Conditions

Life in Türkiye is more affordable than most countries. You can meet your needs, such as accommodation, food and drink, and entertainment at affordable prices. You can stay at the dormitories within or near the university campuses, or rent a house for a reasonable lease. In addition, whichever transportation you choose as a student, you will receive a ticket at a discounted price, or watch the movie in the cinema at cheaper.

Türkiye is also an easy to reach country because it is in the middle of Asia and Europe continents. Whichever way you choose to discover Türkiye, which hosts countless places of attraction, you can arrive where you want quickly and comfortably.

10. Turkish Learning Opportunities

Several programmes in universities in Türkiye are taught in English. Besides, you can also learn Turkish, the fifth most spoken language in the world.

Study in TÜRKİYE

‘Study in Türkiye’ is a brand-new website developed by CoHE to inform international students about the higher education system in Türkiye. Students can use the search engine on the website (http://www.studyinturkey.gov.tr/) to find the most suitable universities for them by choosing the language, type, city and area of study. It not only includes general information on the Turkish education system, but also scholarships, experiences of international students, living conditions, culture and the life. The website is currently available in Turkish, English, and Arabic.

Türkiye Scholarships

This is a government-funded higher education scholarship programme run by the Republic of Türkiye for international students. The primary purpose of Türkiye Scholarships is to provide equal opportunities to successful students around the world and ensure that they get a scholarship that meets international standards. Additionally, this programme aims to improve mutual cooperation between Türkiye and other countries and contribute to regional and global development in a variety of fields, ranging from academia to art, economics to literature, and technology to architecture.Türkiye has branded its higher education scholarship programme as "Türkiye Scholarships" in 2021, and its activities are conducted under the coordination of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB). Türkiye scholarships received around 42,000 applications in 2012, and this number increased to 165,500 applications from 178 different countries in 2021, indicating a significant increase in application numbers over the years. Each year, 5000 scholarships are awarded to international students as part of Türkiye Scholarships. Currently, 15,000 scholarship recipients continue their education through Türkiye Scholarships.

What the Scholarships Cover

Türkiye Scholarships is among one of the most comprehensive scholarship programmes in the world with its university and programme placements, monthly scholarship, tuition fee, health insurance, housing, Turkish language course, flight ticket and opportunities for free academic and cultural programmes. In addition to offering university education. Moreover, scholarships are awarded to academics, researchers, and public officials through several modules for research and Turkish language education.

Türkiye Scholarships seek to reach successful and competent students at all levels and in all fields of study, from health sciences to engineering, from humanities to social sciences.

Türkiye Scholarships;

•Arranges for university and programme placements, unlike other higher education scholarship programmes,

•Covers university tuition fees,

•Provides one-year Turkish language education in the country where you will be studying, as a result, the materials available to you in your academic research become more diverse, and daily life becomes more enjoyable

•Offers housing facilities during your stay,

•Covers your return ticket for once-off,

•Allows full health services with general health insurance,

•Provides monthly scholarships for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, additionally to all available opportunities

Application process

Each year, applications are accepted online and free of charge via the Türkiye Scholarships website between January 10 and February 20. The required minimum academic achievement for applications is as follows: 70 per cent for undergraduate candidates, 75 per cent for master's and doctorate candidates, and 90 per cent for health sciences (medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy) candidates. Applicants must be under the age of 21 for undergraduate programmes, 30 for master's programmes, 35 for doctorate programmes, and 45 for research scholarships.

International Support Programmes

1) Mevlâna Exchange Programme

Mevlana Exchange Programme presents aims to enable the exchange of students and academic staff between Turkish higher education institutions and higher education institutions of other countries. The programme is open to all higher education institutions around the world.

The programme is carried out in accordance with the Mevlana Exchange Programme Protocol signed between Turkish and international higher education institutions. Approximately 3,000 protocols have been signed since 2013. Students may study abroad for one (minimum) or two (maximum) semesters and the academic staff may give lectures abroad from two weeks up to three months.

2) Project-Based International Exchange Programme

The project-based international exchange programme is another powerful step CoHE has taken towards the internationalisation of higher education. Higher education institutions develop mutual projects on the fields approved by the Executive Board of CoHE. Selected projects are carried out through the exchange of students/academic staff. This Programme will support and promote cooperation between higher education institutions.

3) YÖK Scholarship for International Students

Apart from the Türkiye scholarships granted by the Turkish government to international students, CoHE has started a new scholarship programme since 2016. It was designed for the BA, MA and PhD level international students from the countries that have signed a protocol and/or memorandum of understanding with the Council of Higher Education.

The international students, who were placed in Turkish programmes and who could not certify their proficiency in the Turkish language, are offered language preparation for one year. The Council covers the monthly scholarships and accommodation fees of students in KYK, which is defined as Credit and Dormitories Institution.

Currently, CoHE has been working on new partnership opportunities with other countries to include more international students into the programme.

4) YÖK Turkology Scholarship Programme

YÖK Turkology Scholarship Programme is a scholarship programme that grants scholarships to undergraduate students of Turkish language and literature, Turkology and Turkish language programmes at universities abroad which are determined by the Council of Higher Education, with priority for the other countries the Council of Higher Education is in collaboration with and/or signed a memorandum of understanding.

CoHE launched the programme with the slogan ‘Turkology awaits you,’ addressing to young people wishing to study at universities in countries where Turkology programmes are available. The programme aims to strengthen Turkology programmes in universities abroad and attract successful young people to these programmes. CoHE has initiated all these scholarship programmes as field-based programmes, targeting only successful students.

Published: Fri 11 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM

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