Modi 3.0: Goals and Challenges

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to roll out a spate of reforms and game-changing initiatives that will have far-reaching implications for the world’s most populous country future

Modi's government is likely to continue its efforts to liberalise the economy, streamline regulations, and improve the ease of doing business.

By Issac John

Published: Tue 25 Jun 2024, 10:29 AM

The new government headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi will have the onus of reimagining India’s future as a pivotal global economic and political heavyweight.

After his third consecutive poll victory, PM Modi is expected to roll out a spate of reforms and game-changing initiatives that will have far-reaching implications for the world’s most populous country as it transits to its long-coveted role as the world’s third-largest economic power by 2027.

For the most populous nation, the continued political stability under a seasoned prime minister, acclaimed for his visionary statesmanship and leadership acumen, will be profoundly reassuring, lifting the people’s optimism and aspirations to new highs, particularly with a more dynamic and strong opposition in place.



Under Modi's leadership, India has steadily strengthened its ties with the UAE and other GCC countries over the past decade. The UAE, in particular, has emerged as a key strategic partner for India in the region, with robust economic, political, and cultural ties. The third successive Modi government is expected to further deepen and diversify these relations through enhanced cooperation in trade, investment, energy, security, and people-to-people exchanges.

The UAE is one of India's largest trading partners in the Gulf region, and bilateral trade between the two countries has been growing faster following the signing of the landmark Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (Cepa) and its implementation in 2022. Cepa is expected to increase the total value of bilateral trade in goods to over $100 billion and trade in services to over $15 billion in five years.

In 2023, the two-way crossed $85 billion, positioning the UAE as India’s third largest trading partners after the US and China. The UAE is the seventh largest investor in India with cumulative FDI inflows of $16.67 billion from April 2000 to September 2023. The new government is expected to expand economic cooperation with the UAE and GCC countries by promoting investments, fostering joint ventures, and exploring new opportunities in sectors incluidng infrastructure, technology, healthcare, and renewable energy.


India and the UAE have been boosting their strategic partnership, in particular on security cooperation, counter-terrorism efforts, and defense collaboration. The third Modi government is expected to strengthen these ties through increased intelligence sharing, joint military exercises, and defence technology transfers.

The GCC countries are significant suppliers of oil and gas to India, and energy security is a crucial aspect of India's strategic engagement with the region. The new government is likely to work towards securing long-term energy partnerships with the UAE and other GCC nations, while also exploring opportunities for collaboration in renewable energy and clean technologies.


Cultural and people-to-people ties play a vital role in enhancing bilateral relations between countries. The Modi government is expected to promote cultural exchanges, tourism, education, and skill development programs to strengthen the bond between India, the UAE, and the GCC countries.

As the fastest-growing major economy aspires to play a more influential role on the global stage and emerge as a superpower, the third successive Modi government is expected to pursue a proactive foreign policy agenda to expand India's footprint in international affairs.


India is a member of various international organisations and forums, including the United Nations, G20, BRICS, I2U2 (the partnership between India, Israel, the UAE, and the US) and SCO. The new government is expected to leverage these platforms to advocate for India's interests, promote global peace and security, and contribute to the resolution of global challenges such as climate change, terrorism, and pandemics. In an increasingly interconnected world, economic diplomacy plays a crucial role in shaping a country's global influence. The Modi government is expected to focus on promoting India as an attractive investment destination, expanding trade ties with key partners, and negotiating free trade agreements to boost India's economic engagement with the world.


Building strategic partnerships with like-minded countries is essential for India to advance its geopolitical interests and safeguard its national security. The new government is expected to strengthen alliances with countries such as the United States, Japan, Australia, and European nations, while also engaging with emerging powers like Brazil, South Africa, and Indonesia.

India's rich cultural heritage, diverse traditions, and soft power assets such as Bollywood, yoga, and Ayurveda provide a unique advantage in shaping global perceptions about the country. The Modi government will likely enhance India's soft power projection through cultural diplomacy, public diplomacy initiatives, and showcasing India's achievements in various fields on the global stage.

PM Modi's third term presents a critical juncture for India as it seeks to solidify its position as a global economic powerhouse. With ambitious goals to become the world's third-largest economy by 2027, Modi's government is expected to launch a spate of reforms and initiatives that will drive economic growth, enhance competitiveness, and foster innovation. This report delves into the key reforms and game-changing initiatives India can anticipate under Modi's leadership and their far-reaching implications for the country's economic future.


Modi's government is likely to continue its efforts to liberalise the economy, streamline regulations, and improve the ease of doing business. By reducing bureaucratic hurdles and promoting a business-friendly environment, India can attract more foreign investment, stimulate entrepreneurship, and spur economic growth.

A key focus area for the government will be infrastructure development, including investment in transportation, energy, and digital connectivity. Enhancing infrastructure will boost economic productivity, create employment opportunities, and support sustainable development across the country.


India's digital revolution is set to accelerate under Modi's leadership, with initiatives to expand access to digital services, promote e-governance, and fostering innovation in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things. A digitally empowered India will drive efficiency, transparency, and inclusivity in the economy.

To harness its demographic dividend, India must invest in skill development and education to equip its workforce with the necessary capabilities for the future economy. Modi's government is expected to focus on vocational training, upskilling programs, and reforms in the education sector to ensure that India's human capital remains competitive and adaptable. As India transitions to a more sustainable and green economy, the government will prioritise initiatives to address climate change, promote renewable energy sources, and enhance environmental conservation. By embracing sustainable practices, India can mitigate the impact of climate change, reduce carbon emissions, and contribute to global efforts towards a greener future.


The implementation of these reforms and initiatives is expected to have profound implications for India's economic growth trajectory. By fostering a conducive business environment, investing in critical infrastructure, embracing digital technologies, and developing human capital, India can unlock its full growth potential and accelerate its transition to a major economic power. The reforms will drive productivity gains, attract investments, create jobs, and enhance competitiveness, positioning India as an attractive destination for global businesses and investors.

Currently ranked as the world’s fifth-largest economy with a GDP of nearly $4 trillion, India's ambitious goal of emerging as the third economic power by 2027 hinges on the successful implementation of these reforms and initiatives under Modi's leadership. By leveraging its strengths in technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship, India has the potential to achieve this milestone and emerge as a key player in the global economy. The country's demographic dividend, vast consumer market, and strategic geopolitical position further bolster its prospects for growth and development.


India's growth outlook under Modi's leadership is promising, with the country poised to capitalise on its demographic dividend, technological prowess, and entrepreneurial spirit. As the world's fastest-growing major economy, India offers immense opportunities for investment, innovation, and development. With a renewed focus on sectors including infrastructure, manufacturing, digital technology, and renewable energy, India is well-positioned to emerge as a global economic powerhouse in the coming years.

Modi faces the formidable task of driving a reform agenda that can propel India towards sustainable growth and development. Key areas include economic liberalisation, regulatory reforms, ease of doing business, skill development, and social welfare initiatives. By streamlining bureaucracy, reducing red tape, and promoting entrepreneurship, the government can create an enabling environment for businesses to thrive and for India to realize its full potential.


As India charts a course towards a future that is future-ready and globally competitive, the new government must prioritise key areas for reform and investment. Infrastructure development, digital transformation, healthcare, education, and sustainable development are critical sectors that require attention and resources. By fostering innovation, encouraging entrepreneurship, and fostering a culture of accountability and transparency, the government can lay the foundation for a prosperous and inclusive future for all Indians.

Modi's third consecutive election victory underscores his enduring popularity among the Indian electorate and reaffirms his position as a formidable leader on the global stage. By securing a strong mandate, Modi has the political capital to implement ambitious reforms and transformative policies that can reshape India's future trajectory. His pro-development agenda, focus on infrastructure development, and emphasis on job creation have resonated with millions of Indians, positioning him as a visionary leader with a mandate for change.


In sum, Modi 3.0 heralds a new chapter in India's journey towards becoming a global economic and political heavyweight while presenting a transformative opportunity for the nation of 1.42 billion to propel itself towards economic superpower status by 2027. With a mandate for change and a vision for the future, Modi's government has the opportunity to drive a reform-driven transformation that can unlock India's immense potential and propel the nation towards sustainable growth and development. By reimagining India's future, the government can pave the way for Amrit Kaal. India is currently the fifth largest and the fastest growing major economy, clocking between 6.5 and seven per cent GDP growth. The size of the economy is set to surpass $4.0 trillion soon.


As India stands on the cusp of a reform-driven transformation, the world looks towards this emerging powerhouse with anticipation and curiosity. The nation’s ambitious goal of becoming the world's third-largest economy by 2027 hinges on the successful implementation of a series of reforms and initiatives rolled out under Modi's leadership. By leveraging its strengths in technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship, India has the potential to achieve this milestone and emerge as a key player in the global economy. The country's demographic dividend, vast consumer market, and strategic geopolitical position further bolster its prospects for growth and development.


India can unlock its immense potential and solidify its position as a global economic heavyweight through a comprehensive reform agenda that prioritises economic liberalisation, infrastructure, digital transformation, skill development, and sustainable practices. As India transitions to its long-coveted role as the world's third-largest economy, the government's commitment to driving growth, innovation, and inclusivity will be critical in shaping the country's future and its impact on the world stage.


Issac John

Published: Tue 25 Jun 2024, 10:29 AM

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