Tara Makes it Official

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Tara Makes it Official

Dubai - Dubai-based singer Tara Rautenbach talks to City Times about her musical journey and what inspired her debut single Official

By Maan Jalal

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Published: Sun 29 Apr 2018, 11:39 AM

Last updated: Wed 2 May 2018, 8:04 PM

Have you heard Tara Rautenbach's debut single Official? You need to. The lyrics are a story, the melody stays in your head and Tara's voice is sweet but also haunting. And the fact that Tara not only wrote the lyrics but also composed the song makes her a Dubai-based talent that we are definitely keeping our eyes on.
"Official was inspired by my best friend back home in South Africa," Tara told City Times. "She got engaged to her now husband and I wrote the song taking inspiration from the story of him pursuing her."
Official is the first single Tara has released with Universal Music MENA and we can't wait to hear more from her. Originally from South Africa and currently working in Business Development, Tara developed a passion for singing and songwriting when she was a teenager. In a way she did the "sensible" but difficult thing to work on her musical craft over many years while pursuing a more stable career path at the same time.
"I believe that music is a powerful tool to influence a person's views on life and can even affect their behaviour. There is a hook that resounds in the person's thoughts long after they have stopped listening to the song. For me, it's important that that the music imparts a positive message," Tara adds.
The influence and inspiration for many of Tara's songs comes from the stories and experiences of everyday life which give her songs a universal and honest feel and sound. City Times caught up with Tara as Official was released to ask her about how she writes music, how she balances her day job and her passion, and creating an album.
Tell us how you felt when you signed with Universal Music and how do you hope this will help your music career?
I was ecstatic when they offered me the distribution deal. Universal is, well.Universal! It's really incredible to have their support in releasing my music. It's great for my music career in the sense that they are putting it out there on all their platforms and on radio, so the main thing is that my songs are getting heard in this region. 
You work in Business Development as well as pursuing your music career - how do you balance the two?
It's hard work but super rewarding. I don't watch a lot of TV in my personal time but try to focus it on writing and recording. I love what I do professionally and am very focused at work and in the same way I'm very determined with my music when I get home, I definitely put a lot of time and effort into creating songs.
You've been writing songs and involved with music since you were a teenager but when was the defining moment when you knew creating music had to be part of your life?
Music has always somehow been a part of my life. I'm not sure if there was a defining moment as such but it was more like a work in progress that became more consistent and focused over time. There are people who cheer me on when I hit my low moments and I'm so thankful for their encouragement because it keeps me going.
Who were your musical influences growing up?
I loved No Doubt, I was a little obsessed with them. Also Sinead O'Connor, the Cardigans, Green Day and most of the bands of that era. 
What's on your playlist right now? What are you listening to?
Right now, I'm into Clark Beckham also because I saw him perform in Dubai. I love his live songs. I am crazy about Yebba Smith at the moment as well. She has a crazy voice and awesome personality.  
What is the process of writing a song for you? Is it planned or organic?
I would say it's both because I use different methods at different times. When sitting down to write in a structured way I would usually start with a basic chord progression for a verse on guitar, I would then start singing and writing down lyrics as they come to me and move on to the chorus, hook, second verse, bridge and so on. I also do a lot of writing in the car on my voice notes and then I put the music to it when I get to my guitar. 
How long have you been in Dubai and how would you describe the Dubai music scene?
I've been in Dubai for almost six years. I think it is challenging to build a following in Dubai because of the transient nature of the city. People don't stay forever so bands who do original music have their work cut out for them to constantly get new fans on board. That being said, many bands are doing very well and there is an abundance of super talented musicians here. 
Describe the process of creating an album.
Well for me it started with one song - Official. After we made Official I decided to set myself a goal of creating an album, so along with my producer we tackled it song by song and tried to keep the production sonically cohesive so that the songs made sense together as a collective piece of work. Once we had made 12-13 songs, I got the opportunity with Universal and we decided to release two singles and an EP instead of a 12-song album which made sense to me. It was a long process but there was a lot of growth through it for myself and my producer. 
What is the most difficult thing about creating an album and being in the music industry today?
I think in creating an album the challenge is to stay on course, keep to the timelines that you set for yourself but honestly if you find a good producer who understands you, it's not that difficult. If you also have a full-time job, it's obviously a bit hard time-wise but completely doable if you have the right people on board. I think the main difficulty in the music industry is just the sheer amount of content out there, and it's all good stuff, so you have to try to be unique but remain true to what you want to create. There are many other challenges on the business side though, too many to list here but I think people do it because they love it, not necessarily to make huge amounts of money out of it.
What are some misconceptions people have about singers/ songwriters?
People don't realise just how much work goes into creating just one song. From the idea to writing to recording the music, production, mastering etc. It's a lot of work with very little return, that's why it's a passion. In other words, don't illegally download music! Also, I think people think singers should always sound tip-top but singers have good days and bad days. Some days you feel and sound great, other days you don't so you need a little slack from time to time!
What do you enjoy about performing live?
I enjoy people's enjoyment. If the music touches someone's heart somehow and they tell you, that's what it's about. 
How important do you think social media is for an artist like yourself who is just starting out in the industry?
Its very important in today's world, I'm trying to get better at it and I realise it's one of those make or break things. Apart from live performances, it's one of the main ways you are going to reach a possible audience. 
Where can we see you performing live next and where can people hear your music online?
You can download my songs on iTunes and Anghami, and listen on Apple music or on YouTube (TaraRautenbachVevo). Follow me on social media to find out! @TaraRautenbach on Instagram and my page "Officially Tara" on Facebook.

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