Dubai - Parents should watch out for addiction to smart devices.
Published: Thu 1 Feb 2018, 10:09 PM
Updated: Fri 2 Feb 2018, 12:30 AM
Living in a digitally driven age, we often hear the same rhetoric: Is smartphone addiction affecting our children's mental health?
Usually, these cries for answers come from loved ones, health professionals and the users themselves. Yet still, the issue remains. This addictive behaviour is continuing to grow and it is pushing forward a negative trend that seems to be spiralling day by day.
Recently, two Apple shareholders - with a combined stake of $2 billion in one of the world's biggest players in smart gadget manufacturing - called on Apple to study just how detrimental the intensive use of mobile gadgets can be on children. It's a story that has been picked up by the world's media; two Apple investors (Jana Partners LLC and California State Teachers' Retirement System (Calstrs)) calling for change for the sake of the youth.
The "growing societal unease" over the intensive use of smartphones by children is "at some point iikely to impact even Apple", they warned. The fact that this cry for help has come from the shareholders is a statement in itself; it's like an at-tempt to clear their own conscience.