Developed by Hong Kong based company Hanson Robotics, Sophia is modeled after actress Audrey Hepburn, and is known for her human-like appearance and behavior compared to other robotic variants. Sophia uses artificial intelligence, visual data processing and facial recognition.
When Lussier asked her if this is her first time in India, she replied: "No. I have been to India before. It's a colourful, diverse and a beautiful country."
Talking further about herself, she said: "I live in Hong Kong and travel the world to meet people from different cultures."
Also talking about what the future means to her, she said: "The future is unpredictable, but I really want to make a difference in the future..."
And is there anyway you think we could make the future better, asked Lussier?
Replied Sophia: "Yes. By planting more trees, by using water wisely and contributing to help the enviornement."
The goal of the forum was to provide a wide platform for all its partners to interact, transact and gain new perspective to events within and outside the industry. Partners discussed diversity in thought, culture, design, and innovation in a multi-faceted future which they felt was brimming with diverse opportunities.