Chill out Alpine style in Dubai

An adventurer tries climbing the slopes with the help of ropes.

Dubai - As soon as you enter the massive dome, spread across 22,500 square meters, you start feeling the chill.


By Michael Gomes

Published: Tue 14 Jun 2016, 4:44 PM

Last updated: Tue 14 Jun 2016, 7:44 PM

You don't have to leave Dubai to get a 'chilled-out' Alpine experience. You can now enjoy wintery settings, the kind you would if you visited the Swiss Alps, right here at Ski Dubai.

The famed ski slope recently sent out an open challenge to a select group of 'bravehearts'to camp the entire night on the slopes in temperatures dipping to -4 degrees. A motley crew of about 25 intrepid adventurers were asked to test their endurance skills wherein they had to pitch their own tents and survive the night snuggled inside sleeping bags.
As soon as you enter the massive dome, spread across 22,500 square meters, you start feeling the chill. However, the initial anxiety that comes with the thought of having to brave sub zero temperatures disappear as soon as you begin to acclimatize to your new environment.

You can then begin to explore the place and get involved in the activities (volleyball and other activities in the facility).It's fairly easy to unwind on the slopes, said to be 85 metres high and 80 metres wide. For instance, take a ride on the ski lift, or take a leisure walk around the ice palace (if you're lucky you may even spot a penguin), or get into a workout session - it's said exercising in the cold burns more calories than in higher temperatures.

And if you're a midnight snacking type of guy, then you will love hanging out at a conveniently located cafe, somewhere halfway up the slope, which is stocked with steaming hot chocolate, soup, hot dogs and other treats.  A word of caution here, as the night progresses the temperatures dip even further. I heard someone mention -11 degrees, whew!

While some less hardy souls left as soon as they developed numb toes and fingers (in about 4-5 hours), a handful peacefully slept the entire night in their tents and quit only after a hearty breakfast.

Nevertheless, this extreme adventure is a must-try, especially for those who have never experienced snow. And if like us, you are just looking to have a spot of fun, then this camp-out could be just the place you want to go during the hot summer. This first-ever Ski Dubai camp out was conducted as a trial run and is expected to become a regular feature soon.
What to expect
1. Your essential survival kit:
Ski Dubai took care of all the arrangements for the night. Tents, sleeping bags, protective and warm clothing, gloves, socks, mufflers, snow boots, snacks and any other essential required to stay comfortable in extreme conditions.

2. What you need to wear:
Warm clothes.

3. What if you feel uncomfortable?
There is a 'warm' hospitality chalet just outside the ski slope stocked with fleece blankets, hot water bags to 'defrost' you and hot beverages. Moreover, an on call duty manager is available throughout the night for emergencies.

Dos and Don'ts...
1. Don't try to remove your gloves, and never allow your hands to come in contact with any liquid or snow, your fingers will freeze in a jiffy.

2. Do carry a microfibre cloth if you're planning to take snaps on the mobile or camera - the lens gets misty.

3. Do take a battery pack along, in case your mobile runs out of juice.

4. Do tell your loved not to panic if they can't reach you, at times the mobile signal tends to weaken and drop (maybe due to the cold).

Michael Gomes

Published: Tue 14 Jun 2016, 4:44 PM

Last updated: Tue 14 Jun 2016, 7:44 PM

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