Clinic to reverse human ageing to open in Dubai

Dubai - Aviv Clinics Dubai in Jumeirah Lake Towers will open early next year.


By Web Report

Published: Tue 8 Dec 2020, 12:22 PM

Last updated: Tue 8 Dec 2020, 11:16 PM

A pioneering medical programme proven to “enhance and optimise brain and body performance by reversing biological ageing” is set to be introduced in Dubai early next year.

Aviv Clinics Dubai — the first medical science clinic of its kind in the region and the second to be established in the world — will offer a “transformative medical programme backed by more than a decade of research and clinical trials”.


According to the Government of Dubai Media Office, the establishment of the new facility in Jumeirah Lake Towers “reflects the UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda”. This includes the development of the world’s most advanced healthcare offerings, both curative and preventative.

“The launch of Aviv Clinics Dubai is also consistent with Dubai’s vision for the next 50 years, which seeks to make the city a centre for cutting-edge innovations in diverse sectors, including the medical field. With a focused strategy to attract advanced medical facilities, talent and technologies, Dubai is set to become a leading international healthcare hub,” the media office said.

How it works

The development of Aviv Clinic’s medical programme was led by world renowned physician Prof. Shai Efrati and his team at the medical research institute, Sagol School of Neuroscience, at Shamir Medical Centre in Israel.

Leaders in research on age-related cognitive and functional decline and novel applications of hyperbaric medicine to maximise human performance, Prof. Efrati and his team most recently completed and published the first human clinical study in the world to show definitive reversal in the biology of ageing.

The clinical trial, published in international peer-reviewed journal, Aging, uses Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) protocols to demonstrate cellular-level reversal of the key markers of ageing.

Participants in the study showed a “significant increase” in the length of their telomeres — a compound in chromosomes that stabilises DNA during cell division and typically shortens as people age. The accumulation of senescent cells — old malfunctioning cells that inhibit cell proliferation — was also significantly reduced.

Both are “key hallmarks” of the ageing process, and cited as major risk factors for cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Prof. Shai Efrati said: “Since telomere shortening is considered the ‘Holy Grail’ of the biology of ageing, many pharmacological and environmental interventions are being extensively explored in the hopes of enabling telomere elongation.

“The significant improvement of telomere length shown during and after our unique HBOT protocols provides the scientific community with a new foundation for understanding that ageing can, indeed, be targeted and reversed at the basic cellular biological level.”

The Aviv Medical Programme to be offered at Aviv Clinics Dubai is intensive and “highly personalised”.

The programme combines HBOT with the latest neuroscience, physiology research and advanced imaging methods. Aviv clients undergo comprehensive assessments to determine their biological age and current conditions, as well as individualised physical and cognitive training to improve mental acuity and physical performance.

There is no other programme in the world that currently uses the unique protocol combination delivered by Aviv Clinics.

Web Report

Published: Tue 8 Dec 2020, 12:22 PM

Last updated: Tue 8 Dec 2020, 11:16 PM

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