During Ramadan, all Markets will be operational from 6am until 10pm, while the other retail outlets and F&B outlets will open from 12pm until 10pm. Cleaning and sanitisation will be ongoing throughout the day, and deep cleaning and sanitisation will take place throughout the night commencing after 6pm.
Mohammad Al Madani, Waterfront Market Manager said: "We have diligently worked with all the government authorities to ensure Waterfront Market is setting the benchmarks for customer shopping safety. From day one we installed thermal cameras to record the temperature of everyone entering the property. Following the success of re-opening our Markets a few weeks ago, Waterfront Market will maintain the high level of precautionary health and safety measures. Our dedicated sanitisation teams will continue to implement the 24-hour cleaning programme, which includes disinfecting and sanitising all common areas in addition to their standard hygiene cleaning practices."