Expat boy writes 2-part Covid-19 pandemic comics

Abu Dhabi - "Why can't people look into positives? The world is working together to fight this virus," he says


Ashwani Kumar

Published: Mon 6 Apr 2020, 1:15 AM

A 10-year-old Abu Dhabi student is sending out a positive message through his comic presentation titled the Perfect Pause in the times of Covid-19.

Jason Joseph, Year 6 student of GEMS Cambridge International School, narrates through his character Tim, the brighter side of the present situation - world uniting in fight against a common cause, working from home and e-learning resulting in more family cohesion, new health and hygienic norms slowly becoming a habit, authentic news prevailing over fake ones and much more.
"Now, there are just updates about coronavirus. There is a sense of panic, chaos and negativity. So, I decided to spread positivity and make a comic - my first attempt. My character Tim a is reflection of how I felt and reacted to these developments Tim is angry and irritated as there is no fun in reading news.
"Why can't people look into positives? There is a pause on our routine stuff - a new order is here. Offices and schools have shut but online conferencing has increased. The world is working together to fight this virus. This is the perfect pause for mankind."
Letting details out on his second and last part of comic work, the kid said: "In part 2, a thief tries to rob Tim's home but then he coughs - a Covid-19 symptom - that scares the thief and he runs away. Also, Tim spreads awareness among friends."


Ashwani Kumar

Published: Mon 6 Apr 2020, 1:15 AM

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