Experts justify blocking websites to protect nation at UAE conference

Abu Dhabi - Website blocking limits threat of terrorism, Security in the Arab Gulf conference hears.


By Jasmine Al Kuttab

Published: Wed 16 Dec 2015, 7:03 PM

Blocking websites that promote religious and political propaganda is common in the UAE and the Gulf region. However, the website blocking is not to limit one's freedom of expression, but to protect the nation from the threat of terrorism, say experts.
During a conference on Security in the Arab Gulf held at the Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) on Tuesday, local and international experts urged for greater awareness on the importance of creating a secure online environment.
The panel of speakers noted that the Internet has become the most convenient place for those who wish to promote dangerous ideas.
Nabil bin Yaqub Al Hamar, Advisor for Information Affairs to The King of Bahrain, pointed out that social media has played an immense role in recruiting people in international terror groups.
"The Internet and in particularly, social media, has been heavily misused by people. Misuse of the Internet affects national security," he said. "Terrorist groups like Daesh recruit many people through the Internet, not only in the region, but also in the Western parts of the world," he added.
Al Hamar noted that it is therefore a must for countries in the region to create new legislations that help limit the threat of terrorism.
"Western countries have a double standard criteria. For them, limiting websites means the limit of freedom of expression, but we are subjected to terrorism, and thus we had to establish new legislations that can limit this threat and provide security." "Laws must be established to limit the misuse of the Internet, because we are at war with the Internet. Even the West block certain channels to protect themselves," he added.
However, he highlighted on the notion that it is the youth who are often subjected to ambiguous ideologies, and thus it's crucial to focus on educating them about the dangers of the Internet.
"A problem we face is education for the young who are targeted and recruited by groups in the region, to promote certain ideologies and create a havoc."
"Teachers and faculties must therefore educate students from an early age," he added.
Al Hamar shared a case were information was captured on the Internet by the Bahraini government.
"The information was relating to a group who travelled to the Gulf through territorial waters disguised as innocent fishermen."
"The disguised fishermen met with vessels from Iran and were handed weapons to take to Bahrain," he added. Although the group was arrested, Al Hamar pointed out that the case is still an eye-opener and thus nations must be cautious and take the necessary precautions to defend themselves from insecurity and threats caused by outside terrorist organisations.
However, Lieutenant General Thomas Beckett, Defense Senior Advisor for the Middle East Ministry of Defense, pointed out that there are also other critical and dynamic issues, which need to have intervention.
He noted that challenges relating to economic department, border disputes, restrictions on political freedom, lack of education and employment in certain countries, could help cause security challenges to arise.
"External players would want to intervene less if countries in the region take action," he added.
"If change is hard to predict, then we need to look at options and ways to empower Arab nations to confront security threats."

Jasmine Al Kuttab

Published: Wed 16 Dec 2015, 7:03 PM

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