Go Green and Support War Against Terrorism

A peace movement against terrorism is building up across the world and on November 9, people across the globe, including Dubai, will "go green" for a day in support of Pakistanis peace movement against terror.


Asma Ali Zain

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Published: Fri 6 Nov 2009, 10:02 PM

Last updated: Tue 15 Nov 2022, 12:19 PM

Powered through the social networking sites, the Dhaani Movement has called on all supporters of Pakistan to unite through colours and wear green on this day.

The two-pronged aggressive movement will also push for a "global green day" on January 1, 2010. Already Over 20,000 people from 35 countries have confirmed participation in the event through networking sites such as Facebook and Orkut .

The majority of those attending are from Pakistan followed by the UAE, Saudi Arabia, as well as from the UK, US and Australia. Creator of the movement, Dubai-based Anthony J. Permal says that the aim of Dhaani is to build the moral spirit of Pakistanis in this time of tragedy and uncertainty.

“Pakistanis need to feel a sense of unity and brotherhood in this despair and the Dhaani Movement aims to bring that sense to them,” he says.

“By witnessing their fellow Pakistanis and other nationalities wearing green, the bond will be made stronger and hope will return,” he adds.

The original plan was to hold the event on November 1 but due to popular demand the date was extended, says Permal who is also member of the Future Leaders of Pakistan, UAE Chapter.

“November 9 is a day long event and no matter where you are — you wear green. Simple. Wear it yourself and make your friends and family wear it, your colleagues wear it,” says Permal.

“On January 1, the whole planet wears green. The campaign for Dhaani’s global movement wherein all nationalities join is in wearing green on New Year’s Day in solidarity with Pakistanis to fight terrorism will be launched on November 9,” he added.

Postings on the FB’s Dhaani’s link reads, “Let the demoralised Pakistanis know that we are with them, that the world is not against them. We can give them hope once more.”

“We cannot go to war, we cannot go fight. But we can make a statement and tell them you cannot destroy our spirit.”


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