A gyrocopter crashed into the sea in Dubai on Wednesday afternoon during the FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015, organisers of the multi-discipline event announced. "For unknown reasons the gyrocopter fell into the water at Skydive Dubai Palm Dropzone," the World Air Games Organising Committee said in a statement. It said the pilot of the small aircraft who was involved in the incident "may have sustained injuries, the extent of which are presently unknown, and was taken to hospital for medical care." The World Air Games, organised by the Federation Aeronautique Internationale, is currently taking place at SkyDive Dubai. "We do not yet know what caused that accident, but an investigation has started to determine the causes and to prevent such a thing from happening again. This is being undertaken by the event organisers, together with the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority and the Dubai Police," the committee said. The committee said it intends to make a further statement soon. - Wam